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What to do?


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I gave up my job after three years having relocated twice, lost all my friends and had relationships fall apart because... Well, I don't know.

I thought about making KSP videos for a while, but I can't commentate worth a damn and my video editing is distinctly average. I've got nowhere to go and no-one to talk to about a career, (I was an archaeologist before) I'm quite sick of people, what can I do with as little human interaction as possible? Any ideas?

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I gave up my job after three years having relocated twice, lost all my friends and had relationships fall apart because... Well, I don't know.

I thought about making KSP videos for a while, but I can't commentate worth a damn and my video editing is distinctly average. I've got nowhere to go and no-one to talk to about a career, (I was an archaeologist before) I'm quite sick of people, what can I do with as little human interaction as possible? Any ideas?

Take up the hobby of 3D animating.

takes lots of focus, and little human communication.

if you get good at it, maybe you'll get noticed by someone and get hired over the internet.

still would require little contact.

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PROGRAMMING! Fantastic hobby and same as 3D work, great for getting jobs! With all the languages available you can do practically anything! Make games! Make utility programs! Buy microcontrollers and make Robots! Make KSP mods! MAKE EVERYTHING!

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