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Mod Singularity


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I was wondering if anyone else experiences a situation which I call the Mod Singularity. It occurs when I install so many mods that I get bored with the game and remove all of the mods and start over again, however, it is not the same. I experience this both in KSP and Minecraft. I likened this to a singularity because the number of mods increases and increases and then collapses in on itself as the number of mods plummets. Does anyone else have this problem?

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I run into the problem that I put on so many mods that things become unstable and then I am forced to remove some. In the case of KSP this is happening because of the 32 bit architecture, but in other games like Minecraft or Skyrim it is because of slight incompatibilities that wreck my saves and stuff.

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i am pretty sure i never this stage but instead reached a point i call the break or bear point which is when instead you install so many mods that the game doesn't become boring but instead is unplayable due to the amount of mods crashing your computer which left me with a choice of deleting the mods that i don't need or try to work around it. the choice i chose at first was sadly work around (break) which until the point that null space had affected my own stock parts. At that point i had chose the bear option which was to delete mods until it would work which it did (except for the null spaced stock parts) until one messed up mod prevented me from playing KSP until the release of .21. since then i have started downloading mods responsibly and learned many solutions for mod stuff in the process. now i have around 35 mods installed onto a laptop that can barely play minecraft and is trying to learn how to make mods with blender although the UV mapping is very difficult for me.

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Here's my 2-bits...

Science is the in thing right - I mean ya V22 ok so now we have players finding the fastest way to eat up a skill tree and basically not make it a 'fun' game but a 'challenge' game to see who can build the biggest; who can get to ooloo first on -1 parts; I agree these avenues for gaming are nice; for those who play that way; you wonder why you call this a singularity thing with MODS; you go back to Vanilla for the 'challenges'...

I dont think it is about challenge as much as it is about fun; there are many aspects of fun in gaming; this game in particular seems to have many aspects as described above, but in my opinion, when one adds using time warp to speed things up; well to me the fun is lost; it is like flying over a hurricane instead of riding the waves; which I wouldnt think would be too boring.

I am a slooooow cat; slow player; seems to like to start over alot; luvs to stream and blow up computers in the process; has to play guitar an jam or goes crazy...I have developed a style that is slow but not so slow as to be too far behind altho it probly seem like it.

Main thing is I roleplay my Kerbals and much more; ARGs etc check that out in my Fansites pages. But the MODS oh the MODS...here is how I deal with them...(!)

With the new mission/science update, I simply play the skill tree as if I were actually campaigning; I used the sandbox to learn the game; mechanics; etc...limitations...

It took me a good 3 months of casual sandbox play and some tutorials; not so much as to spoil the game but ya I needed some help in certain areas; I think I can convey that now in my streams without spoiling it for anyone.

SO...I simply add the mods as how I see is appropriate for my Kerbals in the skill trees; I havnt actually created a tree I sort of add it in my head.

But I have no idea now how they intend to add MODS in the Campaign Mode; this NEEDS to be made available for us; I actually didnt even think of this til now.

Maybe at least have them available after the whole skill tree is done to which from what I have seen can be done in a few missions; I would have expected alot more on this front; I dunno why it is people have to find the fastest way to get from point A to point B; does get a few bugs out and brings up the prices for Science tho.

Just study the MODS like you would anything in a skill tree; if you are in sandbox mode I cant really help you cause I am now mostly a mission man myself now haha ! In sandbox anything goes and if have a singularity boredom problem; learn missioning; create skill trees; explore carefully and most important find a way to have fun with it.

Cdr Zeta

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I run mod heavy, the only issue I have is that I keep bouncing between wanting and not wanting RemoteTech. There have been some improvements in memory usage across various mods that let me run NovaPunch, KW Rocketry, B9, and a host of other mods while keeping my RAM usage during load around ~2.6GB. This has greatly improved stability. Previously I'd be sitting at 2.9GB right after KSP loaded and that seemed very unstable during gameplay. Hell just using the Squad Texture Reduction pack freed almost 300MB worth of memory. With the exception of RemoteTech most of what I use is just parts. If I want to build stock only it is pretty easy to do. I do find things like Editor Extensions, Design Assist, and Subassembly Manager essential to my enjoyment. Being able to toggle symmetry mode or pull up a strut, fuel line, or launch support without having to dig through the part tabs is a great help. I've also welded a few common part configurations together to make my construction go faster (like a bare rover chassis).

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