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.22 science mission planning


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-getting used with low tier rocket design. mine have like really high tier, darn cluster engines adapter.

-designing a science vessel.

-set a low orbit probe and station over kerbin. for biome observation.

-planned to do goo experiment on Eve. Sound like a great idea. It's look like goo affect by many factors like gravity, acceleration and temperature I think.

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I'm not too worried about the limitations of Tier 0 parts. You can do enough science right on the launch pad that you can make your first flight with Tier 1 parts.

Just so, As I see it you can get from tire 0 to much of tire 3 just by doing orbital works and landing in different areas, including Mun and Minmus flyby.

Lack of mods will be worst, has been forever since I designed a ship without having mechjeb giving me dV of all stages.

Edited by magnemoe
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I, for one, am really excited for all the SCIENCE! that's coming!!

I'm spending some time reorganizing my blog to make way for an entire career mode-esque series of posts and pages, with mission plans and after-action reports and even crew rosters with my kerbonauts accruing mission ribbons and everything!

As far as what I'm going to do in KSP, I'm holding off making any specific plans until I know for sure what I'll be able to do, i.e. until 0.22 lands; about all I know for sure is that I'll be wiping everything and starting with a completely fresh game. In general, though, I'll start with some sub-orbital flights to learn from Kerbin's land, sea, and air; then I'll poke my nose up into space with a couple more higher sub-orbital flights, before I get into orbits, and then start making moves on the Mun and Minmus.

And, since I haven't played at all since 0.21 landed (I know, I'm lame), this will be a great way to ease back into rocket explod-- er, I mean, rocket building. Basically emulating the same cautious direction Earth's real-life space programs have followed, each mission building on the knowledge and skills acquired in the previous.

And this time, it will all be for SCIENCE!!

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Lack of mods will be worst, has been forever since I designed a ship without having mechjeb giving me dV of all stages.

If neither KER nor MJ give delta-v readings at the start of 0.22 career mode (either because of incompatibility or conscious decision on the part of the mod creators), you can build the craft in the sandbox and then copy the craft file over to your career save directory.

For the record, using something like ModuleManager to put MJ or KER on stock parts will probably work barring mod creator decisions otherwise, since the research tree controls parts, but makes no effort to restrict plugins. And given the ease of designing a craft in sandbox and then moving it over to a career save, I think that disabling the VAB portion of either of those programs would be pointless at best.

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I'll play the career mode stock as the devs intended. The first flight or two will just be a ballistic arc until I get enough science for decouplers to get into orbit and beyond to do more science. It should be fun!

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