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SS-Syzygy Radio Log


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This is the radio log recovered by the rescue crew after the disastrous accident at SS SYZYGY.

Kerbin: Kerbin Command checking in. Test radio connection.

Jebediah: Mission Commander Jebediah checking in.

Bill: Technical commander Bill Kerman checking in! Woo!

Kerbin: Command capsule checked and locked. Crew Capsule Alpha?

Bob: Capsule Alpha logging presence of all kerbonauts; repeat, we have on board: Alpha commander Bob Kerman, Alpha tech Nelory Kerman, and kerbonauts Alfurt and Johnnand. Over!

Kerbin: Thank you, Alpha, ch-

Lodrin: Woohoo! Ya ready boys?

Kerbin: Beta Commander Lodrin, please stick to procedures.

Lodrin: Ugh, fine. Gildos, whaddaya think? I think Kerbin Command's jealous!

Gildos: Beta tech Gildos here Kerbin, and I'm sure you just want to get us up into orbit. Right, Lodrin?

Bill: Sorry to interrupt you ladies, but we're trying to launch a mission here.

Lodrin + Gildos: Fine.

Kerbin: Standby to launch. You all strapped up?

Jebediah: Usually I don't bother with seatbelts, but I'll do it for you today Kerbin Command.

Johnnand: Hmph. Thrillseeker.

Jenfel: Um, Capsule Beta Kerbonaut Jenfel here, and I don't think you checked us off the list. Jenfel, Gildos, Lodrin, Alvey.

Kerbin: Alright, checking you off now.

Bob: But the rules-

Kerbin: Forget the rules! The window's opened. Launching in ten, nine, eight-

Bill: Spaaace!

Kerbin: Seven, six, five-

Alvey: You know, if you could glare over radio that is exactly what Kerbin Control would be doing now, Bill.

Kerbin: Four, three, two-

Jebediah: Shut up!

Kerbin: One, zero.

*G-force thrusts every Kerbal down into their seats as the first boosters lift off*

Kerbin: And we have liftoff!

Johnnand: Woohoo!

Gildos: This is a bit like a rollercoaster.

Bob: That's what I thought my first time. Now it just feels like going into space, all your body crushed down under the shattering force of 3G.

Alfurt: Thank you so much, Bob. You just ruined it for us first-timers.

Jebediah: Come on, girls, grow up! Ten thousand metres and counting. Get ready to feel the thrill of the gravity turn!

Johnnand: Hmph. Thrillseeker.

Nelory: Is that all you can say to Jeb?

Johnnand: No, I would never deign to insult our amazing Mission Commander.

Jebediah: Good to hear that- here we go!

*gravity turn begins*

Lodrin: Never did I know what being a washing machine felt like!

Alfurt: And now you do?

Lodrin: Nope! But I do know what being in a spacecraft burning for orbit feels like!

Alvey: You knew that already, Commander.


Bill: Has it ever occurred to you guys that this craft theoretically shouldn't be able to achieve orbit?

Kerbin: What?

Bob: What?

Bill: According to the monoliths found on the Mun, our rocket is too fat and short, and the air resistance will render this ship useless...

Lodrin: Hush, Billy-boo. You're scaring the newbies.

Bill: Right.

Kerbin: And we have orbit!

Jenfel: We're done?

Kerbin: Not circular. Preparing for retrograde circularizing burn...

*Ship turns slowly*

Alfurt: It's weird spinning over and not feeling the effect.

Gildos: It's wierd trying to keep the food inside your stomach in zero-gravity.

Bill: And then there's the muscle and bone loss...

Jebediah: Bill! Stop it!

Bill: Not to insult anyone of course Mission commander, you're still as ripped as ever!

Jebediah: :cool:

Johnnand: Hmph. Thrillmaster.

Nelory: Kerbol's moving really fast...

Alfurt: I heard that we'll get sixteen sunrises every day.

Jenfel: Woah, neat!

Alvey: Romantic.

Kerbin: We have a circular orbit. You should be proud of me!

Lodrin: What for?

Kerbin: Being an amazing offboard pilot, of course.

Jenfel: Hmph.

Kerbin: Anyway. Bill, Nelory, Gildos, get in EVA. Routine checks on board.

Gildos: Hell yeah! See ya later, suckers.

Alfurt: Come on, why can't we EVA?

Kerbin: Rules.

Bill: Well thank you Kerbin for this privalage. EVA commencing.

*EVA kerbals collected by the main solar panel*

Nelory: Slight damage here at the seventh vane.

Gildos: Nothing we can't handle.

Bill: We can get Kerbin to send up a spare panel with the next module.

Gildos: Right, Kerbin Command?

Kerbin: Yes, your ungracious Majesties.

End of part one.

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