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Where is the fuse at??


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Hello all!

Was introduced to KSP by my son about a week ago. I am hooked!

So far I have managed to do a good rendezvous and docking. I also got my first probe in orbit around the Mun at 32 km. Really like the detail I can see at that orbit. :cool: Now plans are in the works to attempt my first Mun landing. Really enjoying it.

Looking forward to following this forum too. Seems like there is a good group of people here.


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Welcome! You've accomplished all that already? That's pretty impressive. Your satellite looks great, too.

For the fun of it, I'll give you the brief n00b's guide to landing on the Mün (even though you're obviously capable already):

•There is no atmosphere on the Mün. PARACHUTES WILL NOT WORK. (Yes, people have done this.)

•The surface of the Mün is uneven and it is very, very unlikely that you will happen to land at "sea" level, so this means that the sea-level oriented altimeter at the top of the screen will be lying to you. There is a radar altimeter inside of the cockpit, accessible by pressing 'C'

•Attempt to land on the light side; landing (especially for the first time) in the dark is no fun.

That's all I can think of right now. Good luck :D

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Welcome to the forums! :)

A few more tips I can think of:

Before you go for a landing, circularize in a low orbit around the Mun first. Trying to land while coming straight in from Kerbin is a great way to lose entirely too much fuel and smash into the surface at high speed or strand your kerbonauts there for a while if you do make it down safely. Getting into a stable orbit also gives you much more control over where the final landing site can be as well.

Also, bring landing lights, just in case you need them.

Hope this helps!

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