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The Falcon-42AR (armed)

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It\'s what Forty-Two Industries has been waiting for. The first weaponized functioning version of the Falcon-42, The Falcon-42AR.

It was first intended as an all-purpose mothership, but then problems came across.

First, lag. So many parts... we are talking about a total of 28 fully-loaded (four rounds each) railguns, 32 bombs, and 16 missiles. That didn\'t work out. My computer died. So to balance the future 'classes' of the Falcon-42 prototype, this baby here will only contain railguns.

It makes sense, really. Missiles don\'t go straight in space, and bombs are potentially useless in orbit. Railguns it is for this one.

Now, for the weapon specidications.

-Twenty-eight railguns

-Four rounds each

-Total of 112 rounds ready to fire ???

-Two rounds fired at each time.

This monster just got teeth. And claws. Oh and maybe all of the guns you could think of. See you in the skies and beyond! 8)

---Answers to Questions Section---

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

Tell me why I should buy one of these, instead of 3 fighters with 6 rail guns each that are less likely to have all of the guns shot down in one flight?

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Veto Aerospace will be working on a larger spaceplane cockpit as soon as its sorted out the roll problems with the SPA.

Good luck, I can probably make planes only slightly larger before they have the structural integrity of a noodle and/or the effectiveness of a paper plane.

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Good luck, I can probably make planes only slightly larger before they have the structural integrity of a noodle and/or the effectiveness of a paper plane.

Best indications are, its caused by the pontoons. Hopefully there\'s a landing gear that can take it, or at the very least act as a buffer, since with four parachutes, the craft now falls slow enough not to explode violently as soon as it hits water. Land, however, may be a different story.

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Best indications are, its caused by the pontoons. Hopefully there\'s a landing gear that can take it, or at the very least act as a buffer, since with four parachutes, the craft now falls slow enough not to explode violently as soon as it hits water. Land, however, may be a different story.

Well for this giant ship I was thinking of landing upwards, gliding takes forever and there aren\'t too many long stretches of flat land around kerbin for a landing.

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Landing on water doesn\'t work because of ship, but only because the physics system for it ends up just exploding even with the smallest amount of vertical velocity.

And because that\'s not a plane, its an ekranoplan. The image shows the Caspian Sea Monster, a russian built an designed \'aircraft\' which utilises ground effect to sort of hover just above the surface of whatever its on. The wings are too stubby for takeoff, and that\'s a design feature. You couldn\'t make a spaceplane from that.

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And because that\'s not a plane, its an ekranoplan. The image shows the Caspian Sea Monster, a russian built an designed \'aircraft\' which utilises ground effect to sort of hover just above the surface of whatever its on. The wings are too stubby for takeoff, and that\'s a design feature. You couldn\'t make a spaceplane from that.

Well, I guess if you made a spaceplane with ring wings, ovalish shaped ones, you could land them like a hydrofoil. Or even like a shuttle, just gently hit the water :P

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