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Mercadies 2B


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The Mercadies line of Veto Aerospace launch vehicles are high-power cargo stacks, designed to take anything from a satellite to a spaceprobe to a small space station. Though the drive section differs from design to design, the cargo bay differs only when the height of the cargo does, and is constructed from highest grade of low grade metals available on the spaceparts market. As the cargo section is usually the same, they can be massed produced cheaply, giving a larger budget to engines, payloads, research and development.

The Mercadies II B is a variant of the MII, though the only similarity between the engines is that they were intended to shuttle a Predator weapons platform into orbit. At this, the MII was spectacularly unsuccessful, leading to a long and difficult period of designing, testing and explosions, before the Merc II B was finally in its late testing stages.



The Predator was successfully set into a high orbit, and at current remains there. A statement was made public that the Spirit-type Command And Control module [the remote-operated control relay section of the Spirit Project spaceprobe] had been deorbited and been allowed to burn up in the atmosphere. In truth, the CAC module had deorbited - but its twin parachutes were unable to prevent it exploding on impact [at 11.5 m/s.]

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