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I guess this suggestion is almost what people has suggested before... but I would appriciate if the Devs could add Clouds pretty soon.

Eventualy, weather and weather effects would be awesome, but as that may have serious consequences (I'm thinking about wind making rockets to wable, rain to destroy your FPS and so on) - I would be happy to just see clouds to begin with.

To begin with, just add a layer of two with some shady, transparent cotton looking stuff that makes both Kerbin nicer to look at, but also a little extra touch to your landing when you can't see KSC before you break through the clouds on your way down.

Also, It may be added to other planets to hide their surface until you actualy send a craft to it, making the landing more exciting when you suddenly realise that you are faaar to close to those cliffs that you didn't know about. This would also make more reasons to use surface scanners from space before landing probes'n'Kerbals.

I would like this... and I think it isn't that hard to complete during the next updates... or maybe I'm wrong? :confused:

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