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When it's done :D

Keep timezones in mind, so when Squad releases in their evening, it might even be the 17th for you, depending on where you live. That's the reason why at least a rough time as well as a date is quite nice for digital releases.

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I woke up early to find 0.21 the latest version.

So... you were sleeping, but you expected them to come in in the middle of the night and update it, for all the sleeping users? :confused:

First of all, it's not even explicitly announced as a release date - and even if it is, that doesn't mean "midnight" your time, or even their time. Some time today is the best you can hope for. This is why most forums have a rule forbidding 'when will it be released?' questions...

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Well, I go to college at 8 am (i wake up at 7 normally) and come back at 3 pm. USA CST timezone.

Will it be out by then do you think?

I wish they will leak it like 0.22. Someone got it like 5 hours before release, the real version!

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1: cool on the caps buddy

2: we don't know, at any time today, could be in a minute, could be in 17 hours

3: breath



4. don't panic

5. there should be enouth other threads about this

6. carry a towel

7. don't panic

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Please sit back and enjoy the wait,

0.22 will be out when it arrives...

Now if you could convince world governments to make a national holiday out of it, I'm sure then Squad would commit to a time based deadline =>

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