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Veto Aerospace 'Storm Petrel'


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Named after a rugged, reliable European broad-winged seabird, the VA Storm Petrel is anything but.

The Storm Petrel, a Veto Aerospace spaceplane. Specially commisioned by the KSP for a partly reusable vessel, which may at some point be used as a cargo ship; as large section of the spaceplane is given to a fuel tank which is not in use. This could easily be converted to carry freight.

Unlike previous launch platforms, Veto Aerospace found it especially difficult to build a prototype. As a tailsitter launched craft, it is highly unstable during ignition, and Veto spent almost two thirds of its budget for the program on prototypes which kept falling over, or flipping back over end and crashing near the launchpad.

Later tests brought problems involving the starboard aerothrusters failing before the port aerothrusters - this invariably led to the craft spinning out of control, and on only one occasion was it brought under control before crashing anyway, being too fast.


The Storm Petrel in orbit.


The Storm Petrel jettisons its first stage.

The Storm Petrel \'Aeronaut\' type spaceplane is a variant of the Storm Petrel class of tailsitter orbital-return vehicles. It features more streamlined delta wings, more numerous and more powerful aelerons, and far more aerodynamic engines.


Storm Petrel Aeronaut in orbit


SPA during atmospheric descent

The SPA has managed a successful landing, but only following the refit of the landing gear, using pontoons, though it is thought that these are the cause of the extreme roll instability suffered only since they and a few less significant attatchments were added. Also, an extra two parachutes were nescerssary to slow to vessel sufficiently to prevent breakup or explosion on impact. The rearmost aelerons were damaged, the rear \'chutes were jettisoned, and the craft ended upside down in the water, but was otherwise intact, and retrievable.

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I really liek the idea of having a two-stage large spaceplane. Only if the entire thing could land though, those multiple wings could hold alot of weaponry!

Also the wings must of been a super pain to put on and perfect, since they aren\'t possible to make through the symmetrical systems right now.

I have been inspired! Time to make an orbital tourism craft!

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I really liek the idea of having a two-stage large spaceplane. Only if the entire thing could land though, those multiple wings could hold alot of weaponry!

Also the wings must of been a super pain to put on and perfect, since they aren\'t possible to make through the symmetrical systems right now.

I have been inspired! Time to make an orbital tourism craft!

Exactly right... except not really.

I used the 3-point symmetry for three of the lower stage wings, and mirror-symmetry forthe other two. Then it was just a matter of adding SAS, fuselage modules, aerothrust engines [which I recognise as retextured and edited Mechanical Mouse Industries Ion Engines.] and some fuel lines to connect them all to the central tanks.

Other than that, the rest was pretty much like building any spaceplane, except you\'re trying to balance it over an area of a meter square, rather than on any number of engines, wings or lander legs you might have given it.

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Exactly right... except not really.

I used the 3-point symmetry for three of the lower stage wings, and mirror-symmetry forthe other two. Then it was just a matter of adding SAS, fuselage modules, aerothrust engines [which I recognise as retextured and edited Mechanical Mouse Industries Ion Engines.] and some fuel lines to connect them all to the central tanks.

Other than that, the rest was pretty much like building any spaceplane, except you\'re trying to balance it over an area of a meter square, rather than on any number of engines, wings or lander legs you might have given it.

So any time you add a part or change the location of it.. you have to redesign the entire craft?

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So any time you add a part or change the location of it.. you have to redesign the entire craft?

No, but for a while I was adding fuel tanks and unnescersary satellites [you can see then in the first picture] to try and get it right. Eventually I just added two small boosters with mini SAS units on them. Worked a treat, but I had to make that one to make way for landing gear.

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