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The UEF Tech 3 Spy plane


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During many of the encounters of the Infinite war intelligence of ones enemies have meant the difference between life and death of a commander, and while there are plenty of technology out there to detect enemies there is none that is as brilliant as the Tech 3 Spy plane.

Nicknamed the 'hummingbird' it is as quick and agile as one, but as defenseless as one. This makes them excel at tasks like scouting an enemy fortification before your assault, or simply to keep track of your enemies tech levels. The radar capabilities of the 'Hummingbird' makes it a great tool for mapping enemy forces on the battlefield. Send a few Tech 1 bombers and a few Tech 3 interceptors with it and it will dominate the airspace over your troops while giving them support.

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Since this is only a screenshot post and there is no ship attached, this doesn\'t belong in the spacecraft exchange forum.


Capt\'n Skunky

...Have you looked at S.E. recently? That applies to something like half of the topics.

EDIT: One of the other Mods actually moved this TO S.E.-so obviously this is where it belongs.

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