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Career Mode. Can't start a thing!

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So basically I can't seem to start the games career mode. I can't build a ship since it won't allow me to select the Mk1 command pod. But then when I go to the R&D and unlock it nothing actually happens, instead when I return to the VAB it's still locked and returning to the R&D shows it as unlocked along with a duplicate that isn't unlocked. Repeating the process just causes more of them to stack up in R&D without ever unlocking any in the VAB. So any ideas what's going on here?

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My first instinct would be to tell you to go to the science screen, select the first node and then go to the right hand side of the screen where it lists the parts you get in that node and click each one. This "buys" the parts. I've heard of this bug a couple of times so I hope this fixes it for you

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Hey, did you find out what was wrong, I seem to be having the same issue, don't want to waste half a day downloading/reinstalling again if there's a quicker fix. I'm using windows 8.1 My KSP installation was from windows 8 copied the steam KSP directory, installed the update, there are two sets of everything in "start". Can't select anything to get started. Chicken and egg science issue

Okay, for any future kerbalers with this problem, I deleted (cut and pasted to an unrelated folder) all 142 "parts" from the KSP > Parts. This worked, yay!

Edited by Johnno
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