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Sirine's career report.


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How is everybody .22 career progress?

My progress:-


22-10-2013 (Local Time +8 GMT)

11th Launch: Going to Mun again to discover the Northern Basin area. Mission success. Tech tree fully unlock... Career Mode ended.

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22-10-2013 (Local Time +8 GMT)

10th Launch: Went to Duna, land, and Ike, land, and back to Kerbin. Need another 100 science point to max up the tree!

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21-10-2013 (Local Time +8 GMT)

9th Launch: Went to Desert Castle, Inland KSC, and discover Kerbin UFO!!!

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20-10-2013 (Local Time +8 GMT)

8th Launch: Went to Mun Canyon. Went to Island Airfields.

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19-10-2013 (Local Time +8 GMT)

7th Launch: Map the Mun "places".

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18-10-2013 (Local Time +8 GMT)

6th Launch: Going to Mun again, explore 2 more crater.

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18-10-2013 (Local Time +8 GMT)

5th Launch: With LV-N, I can go fetch the 2 Kerbal at Mun, and bring them back.

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Misson#005 extra.

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17-Oct-2013 (Local Time +8 GMT)

4th Launch:- Minmus landing and return to Kerbin. Atomic Rocket Engine research unlock!

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17-Oct-2013 (Local Time +8 GMT)

3rd Launch:- Design a craft with many electricity juice...damn, need that power...Muuuuoooooorrrrrrrreeeeee POWER!!!! Plan to go to Minmus. But before getting that Solar Panel...Still go to Mun to gather more Science point.

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Mission#001 & 002

17-Oct-2013 (Local Time +8 GMT)

1st Launch:- LKO, Circular Kerbin, and safely landed-recovered.

2nd Launch:- Mun Landed, with man, on the Neil Armstrong Memorial site, landed 1.9km away. And "fly/hop" to 264 meter close. Planted a flag on the memorial stone.

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Edited by Sirine
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