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Kethane: What is the KE-WAITNONOSTOP-01 Kerbal Unreconstitutionator?

Andrew Hansen

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Hey all,

I'm relatively new to KSP, and I recently downloaded Kethane. Can someone please explain what the Kerbal Unreconstitutionator is and how to use it? I think I get that it somehow extracts Kethane from kerbals, but how do I use it? Thanks!

Sorry if this was already asked. I searched around on the Internet and couldn't find anything.

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  • 4 months later...

Imagine a kerbal wants to sacrifice himself so the others can continue in the mission, so Bob sacrifices himself to Jeb and Bill can go home...

P.S Kethane can be converted fuel.

Kethane can be found on other planets.

You can mine kethane.

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Yeah, pretty gruesome hey? I got the Kethane pack about a month ago and had to ask the exact same question. When you click on it in the VAB, it's description is rather vague. Anyways, I had to try it (purely in the name of 'science'). I put one on the back side of pod with a ladder ,so the poor kerbal can get close to it. (make sure you have an empty kethane tank). I put it on the launch pad, EVA'd the kerbal, (I think it was Bill) Had him climb the stairway to Kerbal heaven, right clicked on the 'Waitnonostop'. I then clicked on the only option it gives you, BLEND and to my horror Bill disappeared in a cloud of smoke! However, I DID have a 150 units of kethane in my tank.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was hoping this was a device that would generate trivial amounts of kethane so you could test your kethane system.

Although I guess that's what it does. You don't have to permanently vaporize a Kerbin, you can revert your flight.

Edited by RocketBlam
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Why did you guys necro a 5-6 month old thread?

I was hoping this was a device that would generate trivial amounts of kethane so you could test your kethane system.

Although I guess that's what it does. You don't have to permanently vaporize a Kerbin, you can revert your flight.

I don't think you can't revert if you vaporize the entire planet.

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I was hoping this was a device that would generate trivial amounts of kethane so you could test your kethane system.

me too. it would be a better use of kerbals, using their gas to convert it to kethane to very slowly build up some keth. Are you listening Majiir?

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  • 1 year later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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