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Bridging the research gap Challenge (AKA flying under the bridge)


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The lovely people at Squad have added a new building, and it has a bridge. So naturally I want to fly under it!

Challenge Rules:

#1 You must take off from the runway or rocket pad and remain airborne

#2 Single vehicle with no separators or staging

#3 Vehicle must not impact with any structure

#4 Vehicle must be landable after flight

#5 You must clear the structures before you can land

Mods are fine but try not to use anything broken/unbalanced and tell me so I can mark you as [Mod] or [stock]


1 point for every m/s maintained under the bridge

x2 for using only rocket parts

x10 for not using any aero-parts

Everything else will be decided as and when people come up with it.

I got 145, what will you get?

Good luck and have fun! :)

Main Score Board

#1 4960 Aphobius

#2 226 zorque

#3 145 Veio



Special Mention:

Aphobius for flying through the even smaller hole in the science building both ways at 82 m/s :)

Edited by veio
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Here's my attempt, using an over-powered minijet I built for another purpose. Completely stock (I like to keep things simple).

Caps are taken from two different runs (I seem to have trouble getting to the F1 key and flying at the same time), but each was successful (not saying how many were UNsuccessful... let's just leave it at a LOT of deleted screenshots).

Speed was right around 226 on actual bridge interface, no bonus points.


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zorque : Good work :) Yes when I was posting this I did think people would have a bit of trouble taking screen prints so it is partly going on trust here. Well to first place :)

Aphobius: I didn't even see that one! Your second video is very impressive. As it isn't the bridge in the challenge I am unsure how to score it so I have put it in a special mentions section. Anyone with any other impressive flying skills should feel free to post and if I like them they can go there too with a little description.

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