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Here's A fun little challenge!


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(To warn you this challenge is a little odd, please don't get mad if you think this is stupid)

The challenge is to draw or recreate a drawing, picture or blueprint a person has posted before you in KSP.


1. Only draw and use stock parts

2. Make sure to make a clear drawing

3: Please name the drawing so people know what it is and/or what to name it

4. Please label parts if they aren't obvious

Example: Bill has made a blueprint of Kerbal X on a sheet of paper, he will now take picture of it and upload it to the forums. After that process Bob will see this and try to make a exact copy of it in the actual game. Then he'll take a screenshot and up load his impression of the blueprint to the forums. Upon seeing the rocket, probe, rover, space station or spaceplane Bob has created, Bill will rate Bob on how close he became on a 5 star or 1 out of 10 system.

Here is my blueprint for the Munar Probe:


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Nice challenge! I looked at it so I immediately began drawing a rocket.


(click for fullres)

My try. Took me 30 minutes.

If you can't tell what the engines are based on the fairings, then try putting parts on the bottom of the three 3m engines.

Sorry if some things aren't obvious, I had no reference to the parts ingame since I drew it out of memory of parts :P.

I basically drew it on a piece of printer paper, inverted colors, and used PowerPoint (lol) to make it blue.

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  mythbusters844 said:
Nice challenge! I looked at it so I immediately began drawing a rocket.

My try. Took me 30 minutes.

Incredible detail if you actually drew this without image references! I built it!


And i did some test flights with it. Oh dear, the name "Noober I-2" is program here. First, there is a 50% chance of disassembly on the Pad when physics kick in (low launch clamps = not very rigid). If it doesn't, liftoff to booster and mainsail separation is suprisingly stable and with a near-perfect TWR. After that, the problems start. The intermediate stage Poodle has nowhere near enough thrust (TWR < 1), and shortly after that, air resistance and gravity do their job and return the crew to the surface. Crew survivability is no problem, even with last tank+engine still attached the parachute will not rip off.

Nice challenge! Here is my blueprint (a little more vague, be creative). Bonus points if you can actually make it fly reasonably stable :-)


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