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My Huge Ideas for Campaign

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When I bought this game it was purely for the Campaign aspect. The idea of working my way up and making a space program from the ground up sounded exciting. So far the Campaign is exactly and is going in the direction I was hoping for. I have many big ideas for this game. I know the Cost of modules isn't implemented yet, and as I write this, I'm assuming that when the game is finished it will, and that money will be something you need to worry about or at least watch.

1) Science and the Kerbal Life

The Kerbal world seems pretty bare atm. As I'm doing science and dispatching my notes I'm thinking.. How is this effecting the the other Kerbals? It could be very possible, that as you unlock more on the science tree you come across bigger laboratories. You could also unlock certain researches such as lasers. Depending on where/how you do research on lasers, could depend on what type of lasers you create.

For instance, say you have a Space Lab of lvl 2 up on your glorious space station, with 3 spaceships docked to it. You launch up a new form of tech! (lasers). This Spacestation is in a low orbit, and after some time researching and several other missions while you wait, your rewarded with red pulse lasers! However, if that lab was a level 4 at a higher orbit, you could discover Purple Beam lasers.

So what does this do?

It could be a form of Tech which not only unlocks new advanced futuristic spaceship parts, but also, be somethig which the Kerbal army buys from you. There would also be a gauge that you can see how advanced the Kerbal Military is, and how happy the people are etc. due to the hundreds of different tech you can discover.

This can also be effected by the amounts of rocks and samples you obtain from other planets etc. Unlocking yet more secret research as you discover tech using them.

2) The Kerbal world is getting cramped!

As you advance much farther up the tree and you discover and learn of new secret tech, and advanced tech, perhaps the Kerbals have discovered how to populate the moon. This would consist of you transporting parts, etc. to the Mun, and back, allowing those rascal little Kerbals to build up the base, resulting in yet more advanced research. As you continue you can populate yet more planet types.

3) This Solar System is so yesterday

As you get extremely advanced, and you've stock piled thousands upon thousands of research into techs, items, and all sorts of shenanigans, you've discovered how to travel to a whole new system. Resulting in.. you guessed it, yet more research and things to explore. (maybe if I daresay a whole new race to interact with?).

4) Kerbal Space Program. Not your Ordinary run of the mill Moonwalkers!

As you continue to progress and your "fame" grows. You could obtain missions from the Kerbal Government. Asking for certain types of tech (in which they'll pay for when you succeed), and requesting resources from planets, such as MuN rocks, etc.

As you bring and populate the other planets with Kerbals, they need food you know! You can transport food and goods to them (for a price into your own pocket).

5) The Ultimate Idea

The whole idea is to make the kerbal universe feel more alive, to feel like the planet consists of more than just your space program. Did you just put up 3 new Satellites? Well that's probably why the happiness meter of the Kerbal World just went up!

I'm not saying it has to be like other games where your balancing and pulling your hair out trying to balance meters, and happiness. None of that. You after all, are not the Kerbal Worlds mother. However, you can greatly help with these things, and if you so choose, the rewards could be great! But its up to you!

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I think you are all misunderstanding LadyAthena, she (or he) means that you would create lasers that you would sell for more money. There would never be any weapon part. It would just be a thing to make money on.

Exactly, it'd just be something fun to invent, and make a little money off of. Additional research into it could result in "more power lasers" which you could then sell again.

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  • 1 month later...

If you feel it still warrants discussion, sure :P

This stuff sounds like things that won't be considered overmuch until late-stage game development, once most of the core mechanics are already nailed down, I think.

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