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The journey of the Grand Tour 4


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This is the story of the Grand Tour 4. Kerbalkinds Jebs last hope and an epic journey about ambition, stupidity and stubbornness!

The whole thing began with Bill and Bob sending Jeb on a one year trip around Kerbin (something like discovering the beaches, bars and ladies). Our two remaining heroes immediately started designing a new series of rockets with some unique attributes no Kerbal rocket has ever seen before: safety, efficiency, safety, no boosters, safety, ... ,

they should get really, really safe.

This was the moment when disaster striked. They tested and tested and tested putting tons over tons of waste into orbit until no longer clouds throw shadows on the ground but the debris in orbit.

Of course Jeb noticed the changes and returned quickly to stop Bill and Bob from their nonsense. Realizing that there is no hope for Kerbin (at least the next 50000 years) Jeb made a plan for another new rocket: The Grand Tour 4

It has 4 purposes:

- Carry a satellite powered by a RTG which will measure the sunlight in lower Kerbin.

- A mapping satellite orbiting the Mun with higher inclination to find a nice spot where the planned Muncolony Jeb\'s Partyresort can be build.

- A lander module to check the ground behaviour.

- To prevent Bill and Bob from even more testing.

Rocket on the launchpad. Everyone is a bit excited because it showed up that the fuel tank system in the first stage, collapses when struts are tied to them.


Everything went well. Atmosphere is no problem anymore.


Initial orbit seems ok. Ready for satellite deployment.


Good bye... :\'(


Onwards to the Mun! Jeb laughs about Bill and Bob 8)


Muncaputure failed a few times, so our heroes had to wait nearly two weeks ;P

Orbit seems good now. (I hate plane change maneuvers)


Wild rolling of the satellite is acceptable. The system guarantees that the receiver gets a signal from time to time without the very unkerbal =P need of a complicated position tracking system.


Who needs all this stuff? Away!


Touchdown! Lander seems very stable. ~4m/s horizontal velocity were no problem at all.


Probe seperated. We\'re finished here.


See you next time.


Didn\'t expect to get this far ::)


Very nice landing =P At least they are alive.


Everyone reading this far may ask, why this was designed as a return mission and not as a one way trip to build a Munbase. Of course Jeb don\'t want to get stuck on the Mun with Bill and Bob 8)

A few notes to the rocket:

The design showed up to be very effective in satellite deployment. It should be easy to get at least 8-10 satellites in a munar orbit. However the next design goal is to check how much missiles I can tie to the upper stage ;P

Used mods:

Novapunch 0.8, Probodobodyne 0.4, landerpegs from Assorted Hardware, Radial Decoupler from Trust Thrust (I love this one)

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