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Science outside of/after tech tree

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I think science should still be usable, or serve some function in a sandbox game, or after the tech tree has been completed.

Some ideas:

Finding resources.

Finding out information about planets, etc.

Anyone else have ideas?

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Yeah! We could discover details like density, mass, chemical structure etc. I'm thinking about space station with science eq. It would have to "gather" science for longer period of time to reveal some small detail about celestial body (or the solar system itself?).

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Another use is commercial.

Once you have gained the capability to gather certain data, you could sell it. This would help fund your program. Also commercial data needs could drive missions to gather more data.

Good examples are mapping, imagery, and KPS (Kerbal Positioning System)

Edited by Papa_Joe
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There was talk of a prestige mechanics once I think (my memory could be wrong). Doing experiments and in particular reaching new places should grant it. I mean honestly, NASA still gets respect for putting people on the Moon or for the Voyager's and the mars rovers. There's more to exploration than unlocking parts, it's about getting out there in the unknown and learning more about it.

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