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A dropship for the working man (or woman)...

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You can argue technicalities until you're green in the face.

The "Rocket-power VTOL" that comes as stock with every installation of KSP doesn't have wings either, so if it's good enough of a definition for Squad within the context of the game, then it's good enough for me.

My thoughts exactly, I think we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one otherwise we'll be arguing until the cows come home... :wink:

I was trying to make a de-militarized tern(which had massive fuel flow issues)I showed you that.


The wings then became an eye-sore so they had to go.I wanted to make a SSTO so the lv909 and jet were replaced.COM shifted throughout the flight so I put the engines in a place which wouldn't automatically be fueled.Torque was reduced as it was no longer needed.

Honestly it was a pain but the COM was only a little bit behind so a bit of extra mass fixed it.

Sorry about that,I should have expected it.

Looking good! Looks like it needs moar intakes though I don't think 2 units of air is going to be quite enough for shameless air hogging. If you want to grab the intakes stacks of the Scythe feel free. Once this things tuned up I'm expecting Minmus and back out of it! :)

I've put together a quick diagram outlining the fuel setup for the Scythe, (my Microsoft Paint skills amaze even myself) hopefully it'll help you fix the Tern.


Basically the only two parts of the Scythe that aren't symmetrical are the fuel lines connecting the aux/drop tanks to the size adaptors. One joins the rear adaptor while the other ones hooked up to the front. From here the fuel flows into the T400 tanks before finally flowing into the central core that houses the engines. Hope this helps.


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There are very little issues now but thanks at least I know they are different internally.I'm managing to squeeze 1.9km out of it at the moment(without 2.2 tons of extra fuel).Seeing as the first version got that with drop-tanks:D:D:D:D:D(although it struggled to orbit because I flew like a rocket not a SSTO).

Honestly these things are easier to fly then Jets.

EDIT:I wonder how light I can go?

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There are very little issues now but thanks at least I know they are different internally.I'm managing to squeeze 1.9km out of it at the moment(without 2.2 tons of extra fuel).Seeing as the first version got that with drop-tanks:D:D:D:D:D(although it struggled to orbit because I flew like a rocket not a SSTO).

Honestly these things are easier to fly then Jets.

Sweet, oh well I'll look forward to seeing how this ship develops, keep up the good work. :)


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I know your all about Dropships.. but I would love to see you make a winged VTOL SSTO aircraft.


Oh lord! If I made a winged aircraft it would probably be the worst plane ever to be made in KSP. :blush: And not to insult any of the fine pilots on the forum but I'm afraid my hearts just not in them, unless there's an amazing physics model and stuff to shoot at (Rise Of Flight) I just find planes really boring to fly. Sorry. :(


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Well... If I cant get you to come over to the winged SSTO team.. I may as well go over to the wingless SSTO team xD

I've never made one before.. but should be fun : J

I've been saying this a while but we do need more Dropship designers! :D Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. If I can give you one small piece of advice it's to make your craft 100% pure New Zealand. Sorry, I mean to say even the smallest winglet or control surface can do unfortunate things to the handling you're really better off without them. :)


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That ship dosen't even have control surfaces on the wings- the COM and COL would need to be balenced right, and all other headaches.


There's certainly room for improvement but for my first forray into the world of aircraft design I think it's a good start, I mean it's got wings, some engines and that tail thingly that goes on the back. :)


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I keep getting inspired by these videos of yours. So I tried reverse engineering your technology, and made one of my own.

It makes it to orbit, but not much further than that. Any tips on an aspiring engineer?

Nice! From what I can see though it needs a wee bit more rocket fuel, as a rough rule of thumb you should have the equivalent of 1 T800 tank for every 160lt of jet fuel. I'm assuming you're running the one turbo jet, can't make out which rocket motors you're using. Plenty of intakes that's good, nice looking design too. I'm incredibly mean with my mass but I think there's a bit of opportunity for lightening the craft. Those structural girders are pretty heavy and the landing gear too adds up to quite a bit of weight, if you can replace them with landing legs they'll be a bit of perfromance boost. She's looking good though, put some more pics up I can give you a bit more feedback then if you like. :)


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Mods it is December now, time to take down this thread.....

I'm sure the Mods can manage just fine on their own, honestly... :rolleyes:

Absolutely amazing! Great craft, certainly one of the best I have seen! :cool:

Thanks very much! I hope you enjoy my other vessels as well. :)


can you make a large spaceship where all of the drop ships are attached to? or could be attached to. this looks amezing just downloaded a few and wowwwww


It would have to be a pretty gigantic ship! :D Sadly while the the Pixie, Scythe, Tadpole and Minnow dropships are subbasembly compatible my bigger craft aren't so the chances of getting of getting them all together in one vessel is pretty slim.


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....while the the Pixie, Scythe, Tadpole and Minnow dropships are subbasembly compatible...

For which I am eternally grateful!

More than a couple of occasions I've included Minnows or Tadpoles in my designs as auxiliary craft to a bigger vessel. :)

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For which I am eternally grateful!

More than a couple of occasions I've included Minnows or Tadpoles in my designs as auxiliary craft to a bigger vessel. :)

They do come in handy for odd jobs like nipping to the supermarket or buying milk. :D


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