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What about "retina resolution" support?

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Can devs make a retina screen(2880x1800px) support for rMBPs in the future? I think it'll be very good, so many rMBP user will buy game through retina support. I really want to see retina supp. I'll glad to play KSP with retina support.:cool: Sorry my English isn't very well:kiss:

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  • 3 weeks later...
it does not detect the resolution, even when edited in the settings file, it does not scale the game properly and still runs on 1440x900.

Is this on a rMBP? I don't know how OSX detects applications that need resolution scaling, but in Windows every program has an option to turn off this kind of scaling. I suspect there is something similar for OSX that needs to be changed. That said, I think the GPUs on those laptops might struggle a bit at that resolution.

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What is retina resolution? Is it just a buzz word for a specific resolution or is it an actual thing...

Also I run on triple monitors at 4800x1600 with no problems at all, and it looks awesome..

It is exactly double the resolution the laptop would normally have (-> 2880 x 1800) without content on the display getting smaller (resulting in UI elements getting scaled up to double resolution)

Is this on a rMBP? I don't know how OSX detects applications that need resolution scaling, but in Windows every program has an option to turn off this kind of scaling. I suspect there is something similar for OSX that needs to be changed. That said, I think the GPUs on those laptops might struggle a bit at that resolution.

Yes, this is on an rMBP. OSX does not take over the scaling (only if told so, which works for programs like MS word, but not for programs with 3D content in my experience), programs are run in normal resolution (i.e. 1440x900) so they look very bad compared to everything else on the display

however this is different for games:

most games detect 1440x900 as native resolution, so this is the maximum setting. there are games which are aware of the full 2880 x 1400 resolution and have that setting available.

the problem is (and I have no idea how to fix this) that KSP (or Unity) does not use the resolution, if KSP is run in windowed mode and resolution is edited to 2880x1800, the window has twice the size of the actual display, when now toggled to fullscreen, it goes back to 1440x900..

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What is retina resolution? Is it just a buzz word for a specific resolution or is it an actual thing...
It is exactly double the resolution the laptop would normally have (-> 2880 x 1800) without content on the display getting smaller (resulting in UI elements getting scaled up to double resolution)

A bit of both. Retina is a buzzword the likes of HighDPI, essentially the two are the same thing, with different entry requirements for the term to be rightly used.

Its not merely 'double' what a 'normal' display would have, its an angular metric. It varies greatly with intended viewing distance. For a 15" viewing distance, its 77 pixels per degree to qualify as retina. http://isthisretina.com/

Put anything far enough away, and it fits the retina requirement. My ancient 42in 720p tv can match that pixel density if I stand far enough back. Retina is merely 'exceeds [x] pixels per inch at [y] viewing distance', nothing special.

however this is different for games:

most games detect 1440x900 as native resolution, so this is the maximum setting. there are games which are aware of the full 2880 x 1400 resolution and have that setting available.

the problem is (and I have no idea how to fix this) that KSP (or Unity) does not use the resolution, if KSP is run in windowed mode and resolution is edited to 2880x1800, the window has twice the size of the actual display, when now toggled to fullscreen, it goes back to 1440x900..

That said, what I don't get is why this is an issue. The game should be seeing 2880x1800 as a valid resolution, because thats the native resolution of the display, and it apparently isn't. Why it doesn't is what I wonder. Potential flaw in how MacOS is reporting its display resolution to games? That games must 'support' retina may actually suggest that, in that the OS reports one resolution, while possessing another, and games must be coded to recognise this fact.

Edited by Amram
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  • 3 weeks later...

If you use the various "hacks" to make an rMBP run its UI at full 2880x1800 resolution, you can make KSP also run at that resolution. The problem is that when you do, all the non-3D UI elements look microscopic. The whole idea of "retina" is that you have a very high DPI display at a normal physical size. So you use the resolution normally for things that scale (e.g. 3D), and double/alter the size of any static assets/controls (e.g. everything else in the app). This makes the app look a lot sharper.

The effect of this is that any "retina supporting" app looks absolutely fantastic, while every "non-updated" app looks horrible, blocky, and upscaled. Seriously, once you have a "retina" machine, you want to scream at anyone who just shrugs it off and thinks its not something they should care about. It used to be just a niche part of Apple's product line, but now its becoming a common feature among their systems.

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I was able to get my newer (late October 2013) Retina MBP to support full native 2880x1800 resolution by first using the SwitchResX third-party utility to set the system resolution to 2880x1800 rather than Apple's imposed max of 1920x1200. Then I just edited KSP's settings.cfg file to set the horizontal and vertical resolutions to 2880 and 1800, respectively. (Maybe I could have done this from within the game but I didn't try.) It ran fine at full res after that.

BTW the frame rate still pretty playable on my system at that resolution. Not quite silky smooth like it is at 1920x1200, but not too jerky to still be fun. I would unscientifically estimate the screen was still delivering about 10-12 frames per second when I launched a rocket that had about 100 parts. It got better as I jettisoned stages or otherwise exploded some parts away.

(BTW this was with the optional NVidia GEForce 750M graphics card. I'm not sure what difference that would have made vs. the standard Intel Iris graphics.)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I boot my rMBP in Windows (w/ Boot Camp), and play Kerbal there (better performance overall). It's silky smooth in 2880x1800 with antialiasing on and all graphics options pretty much maxed out.

The only thing that prevents this from being usable is the missing support for scaling UI elements. If all the UI could just be optionally scaled by x2 it would make it playable.

The flight controls are ok (those can be scaled already), I'm talking about menus, dialog boxes, especially when constructing ships, but also in flight, like maneuver editing, science, dealing with component options, etc.

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