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[WIP]Survival Pack for EVAs


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ok for those of you that have seen me wandering the forums, sometimes reviving threads and giving ideas for some parts......

well i am trying to make my first mod which is a survival pack that is somewhat based off the rucksacks given to Apollo astronauts that allowed them to survive for 48 hours after water landings on Earth while waiting rescue......

to sum it up what i am planning to do with this mod is to provide a kit that can be worn by kerbals and provide equipment that would be helpful for long term EVAs and sadly though i would require permission from mod makers so that i can use these many functions that will be implemented.

I have a model of it but i basically know nothing on how to add textures for it with blender even though i have looked at many tutorials which not only confuse me but just makes me want to do something else. I also don't animate either so just remember this is my first


here is the model and i am currently working on the configs while securing permission from some mod makers

the functions of this will include:

being able to pack 4 extra flags for planting

spare Eva fuel

a parachutes for those that have trouble using Vanguard

storage for experiments

the ability to hold KAS parts

the ability to transmit experiments and have power although this is still under consideration as this already feels a bit OP as it is.

Reserved for updates


i have decided as start to make two rucksacks, one for orbit and one for the surface

i have nearly perfected my model for the orbital variant which i am working on before i start on the surface variant (sensors can wait)

right now i am torn between having a camera which will use Hullcam to act as a first person eva mod alternative and lazors for fun

one with a camera and the one without

it will include soon include parachute, spare eva propellant, kas storage, and extra flags thanks to sirkut's old reflaginator plugin

Edited by sal_vager
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sketchup is terrible im sorry to tell you, i used to use it for the longest time(cuz its free, or was?), and dont get me wrong, you can pull some great geometry out of it, but it is all around a hard program to be fantastic with. (there is an extensive database of terrible models on their model site) also, you need to download a .dae exporter for sketchup, or find some way to convert your file to .dae, along with downloading unity to get ur models in game.

I just wanted to chime in because i am working a rather large project, Modeling, texturing, and everything else minus writing the mods i am currently using, building a line of modular rovers using the cleverbobcat plugin, though i havent asked any form of permission yet, im still not close enough to a release as i still need to re-model 4 more bodies and 2 more carts. even if i dont get permission, at least i will have some awesome rovers of my own :)


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sketchup is terrible im sorry to tell you, i used to use it for the longest time(cuz its free, or was?), and dont get me wrong, you can pull some great geometry out of it, but it is all around a hard program to be fantastic with. (there is an extensive database of terrible models on their model site) also, you need to download a .dae exporter for sketchup, or find some way to convert your file to .dae, along with downloading unity to get ur models in game.

I just wanted to chime in because i am working a rather large project, Modeling, texturing, and everything else minus writing the mods i am currently using, building a line of modular rovers using the cleverbobcat plugin, though i havent asked any form of permission yet, im still not close enough to a release as i still need to re-model 4 more bodies and 2 more carts. even if i dont get permission, at least i will have some awesome rovers of my own :)


yeah i know it is terrible but due to my lack of experience and number of broken keyboards and monitors involved with blender this was the only option also i have a new model for the rucksack below


besides geometrically speaking i don't need it to be fantastic but just make use of the simplistic shapes involved

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That looks great, and I like that its 400 tris less than the other, but 800 i feel is still a little on the high side for an object that going to be so small.

Definitely not a bad piece, but i would look at something more in the 400 range, kick those cylinders down to 12-18 segments instead of what you got and you could half the tris, a little bit of texturing goes a long way...

I may be able to help you a little bit with a few textures, but i can't guarantee you a lot of time, as with my own mods, sometimes there really isnt enough time in the day. :)

Keep workin at it though, there can never be enough stuff for KSP!!!:D and I do have to say an EVA kit would be a great addition to the game. Almost feels worthy enough of a special career node:)

Come to think of it, I use 3ds max now(loveit), but in sketchup, i didnt even know how to make low poly objects. Mostly because you add 3 objects, start movin stuff, all the sudden, wow 1000 tris in 2 mins? I would say I could throw a couple models your way, but nobody gets my model time :sticktongue:

again, search the forums around for Unity related info and start reading, once you get it and file architecture its really a cakewalk, but its also the standard for getting things to work right in KSP.

heres a couple informative links any1 that wants to model should watch:

This is heavily on modeling in 3ds max, but less than 3/4s thru it, he hops into unity, and if you follow it to a T, your part will be in KSP, textures and all. I don't know about EVA stuff so i couldnt point you any further.


The WIKI. Self Explanatory, while being a lil out-dated... Might have to add a few things so I dont forget...

Edited by MisterPliskin
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That looks great, and I like that its 400 tris less than the other, but 800 i feel is still a little on the high side for an object that going to be so small.

Definitely not a bad piece, but i would look at something more in the 400 range, kick those cylinders down to 12-18 segments instead of what you got and you could half the tris, a little bit of texturing goes a long way...

I may be able to help you a little bit with a few textures, but i can't guarantee you a lot of time, as with my own mods, sometimes there really isnt enough time in the day. :)

Keep workin at it though, there can never be enough stuff for KSP!!!:D and I do have to say an EVA kit would be a great addition to the game. Almost feels worthy enough of a special career node:)

Come to think of it, I use 3ds max now(loveit), but in sketchup, i didnt even know how to make low poly objects. Mostly because you add 3 objects, start movin stuff, all the sudden, wow 1000 tris in 2 mins? I would say I could throw a couple models your way, but nobody gets my model time :sticktongue:

again, search the forums around for Unity related info and start reading, once you get it and file architecture its really a cakewalk, but its also the standard for getting things to work right in KSP.

heres a couple informative links any1 that wants to model should watch:

This is heavily on modeling in 3ds max, but less than 3/4s thru it, he hops into unity, and if you follow it to a T, your part will be in KSP, textures and all. I don't know about EVA stuff so i couldnt point you any further.


The WIKI. Self Explanatory, while being a lil out-dated... Might have to add a few things so I dont forget...

good to know but since i am still debating about whether or not i should allow for the transmission of experiments from the pack but i think it would be a bit OP if i did because in order to do it i would have to have it be able to store charge and make power so yeah so basically this is a question of should i

Edit: i should also mention that i would have to add a animation to go with the antenna that would be installed on to the pack which would be difficult considering i just started making mods

Edited by Helix935
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OK update i managed to get unity and managed to import the model to it but now i am only wondering about one thing after reading the mod tutorials on KSP wiki....

i see that it is talking about when using sketchup it has to have a .DAE importer/exporter which i have but the thing that is really confusing is that whenever i look inside a part instead of seeing a dae i see a .mu or .mbm which i assume is for textures so to summarize my question....

how does a .mu come into play with a .dae because is it supposed to be exported as a .mu or what?

and also MisterPliskin i am using sketch up not auto-desk

Edit: ok now i know what to do with unity except for one problem which is that i don't have the unity part tools for KSP and the link for them appears to be broken so there is that so can someone please provide one that works?

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yea that 1 took me a minute to find. look in the last pages of the part tools thread for some1 posting a link.

sorry about the double post but also thanks for pointing that because now i have to face the task of learning how to use them

Edit: also i have a new sketchup model with thicker straps https://sketchfab.com/show/a7dd6dd1648a44b8a70ced36e13fbc91

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i have made the model mu and the configs but now i have to do textures but sadly though i don't know the least bit as to how to texture so is there someone out there willing to be hired to perform this duty with the only requirement being that they know how to do it and don't necessarily have to be good at it or just give me advice as to how to do it successfully in blender/unity?

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UPDATE (again)

i managed to get the rucksack to appear in KSP but i am having some issues involving how it is grabbed by kerbals because it would be in the wrong position.


i am experimenting with scaling but can anyone please tell me why this is happening

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you should use uv-mapping for texturing.

also like someone pointed out already try to find something like autodesk (maya,3dmax) those softwares support uv-mapping etc.

which you need for your texturing.

as for grabbing make sure your attachnode is pointing the correct way (in your part.cfg).

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you should use uv-mapping for texturing.

also like someone pointed out already try to find something like autodesk (maya,3dmax) those softwares support uv-mapping etc.

which you need for your texturing.

as for grabbing make sure your attachnode is pointing the correct way (in your part.cfg).

i know about texture mapping but the question is that how do i get the attachnode to work correctly because i am not sure as to what are the rules behind it

node_attach = 0.0, -0.1, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0

this is the node attach i am having trouble with getting it to work so can someone explain to me which part of it dictates its orientation and if possible show me a fixed version? i am having positioned so that it wouldn't cover the tanks on the KMU but just to the right of it.

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  • 2 weeks later...


ok for those that have remained faithful to me as no one has asked about my progress for the last week or 2 well what i have done so far is experiment but i have been mostly just playing KSP

i have managed to get the scaling to work correctly but the position on the back of the Kerbal is still messed up so there is that

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love the idea I don't think the transmitter would be too op if the way the kerbals got the packs was through a box attached to the craft and only one in the box having the ability to transmit signals. or since there is the possibility for the box to be destroyed I think it would be cool to have a option for when you click on the kerbal while he is attached to a command module ladder. or have both options!

well that's just my 2 cents this sounds like a cool project

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It is looking good so far and out of curiosity will it cover the entire existing EVA pack?

no just the half of the EVA pack that doesn't show exposed RCS tanks

(if your wondering why this is so it is because it was a happy accident)

Edit: i know right that the transmitters would be OP but i need some way to transmit data on the go....

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oh god i made a mistake in measuring the sides and since i have minor OCD i am starting over on the model and good thing i had a better one in store


this model will make sense at the fact that the old was way to small to actually hold anything and instead of holding just four flags it will just refill your flags.

(this is due to the fact i don't know how to write plugins either ways so yeah)

if your wondering it will probably push a deadline to its completion back by only a few days and i have lots of free time any way so not that much lost time

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