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KSP/Minecraft Players Thread


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I'm sure that most people have learnt about KSP from Youtube, and every other video on Youtube is about Minecraft. Many popular Minecraft players have talked about or made videos on KSP - kurtjmac, the Yogscast, Zisteau etc. That will boost the proportion of Minecraft players who also play KSP.

I should think about 95% of the players of KSP will have heard of Minecraft at the least.

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I play Minecraft, albeit no where near as much as I used to. I found out about KSP from Kurtjmac. I think I watched one of his ultra hardcore videos and noticed KSP and checked it out. I then bought KSP for my son that same day. I soon bought another copy for myself.

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I used to play Minecraft, I played Dwarf Fortress (but I am frustrated with the lack of updates) and I occasionally play Terraria.

I never played Eve. What I read about it seems too much like serious business.

looks promising. Could be another interesting time-waster one day.
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I play it occasionally. Singleplayer. I don't care for huge grinding multiplayer efforts where the players are like drones.

This relaxes me. I have my small greenhouse farm with animals and plants I've collected wandering around my world. I used to play it a lot more before, but now I just go there when I want to be left alone IRL. When I found out about the cheats, I've cheated to obtain villagers and made them a house nearby, and also to repopulate my world with wolfes and pigs, because they didn't seem to come back after a while. It's a cool game.

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  Crowdpleaser said:
To my knowlege Totalbiscuit played neither of these Games, at least not on video. Jesse Cox on the other Hand played both. And no, The Yogscast has more.

TB played Terraria with Jesse Cox for 70+ episode and is doing another season now after the release of 1.2

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I USED to play Minecraft. It all went downhill about 1.8 time. When *shudder*.... CREATIVE MODE was introduced. It's a good idea and all, but the fanbase changed. They went all 11 year old on us (Not that there is anything wrong with 11 year olds playing games) and now, from what I've heard not many people stay on there. Those that do huddle together in small groups, fending off any newcomers. I pick it up occasionally, but I'm only really interested in the technical modpacks like Tekkit and FTB.

Also, prepare for flames. Lots of flames.

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  tom1499 said:
I USED to play Minecraft. It all went downhill about 1.8 time. When *shudder*.... CREATIVE MODE was introduced. It's a good idea and all, but the fanbase changed. They went all 11 year old on us (Not that there is anything wrong with 11 year olds playing games) and now, from what I've heard not many people stay on there. Those that do huddle together in small groups, fending off any newcomers. I pick it up occasionally, but I'm only really interested in the technical modpacks like Tekkit and FTB.

Also, prepare for flames. Lots of flames.

Your right, I think very kid under 12 that I've talked to that plays Minecraft only does creative mode.


Me: "Hey, do you play Minecraft at all?"

Them: "YAH! I love it!"

Me: "Creative or Survival more?"

Them: "Creative only; It's better because you get everything for free and you can fly!"

Me: "Oh..."

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The first rocket Von Braun made for the US after they stopped asking him to just keep showing them how to launch V2's was a rocket he called "The Redstone". It was used for the first US manned flights.

When you play KSP and Minecraft it brings to mind a completely different picture when you say you're going to try to build a "redstone rocket".

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There is another game in very early development called ScrumbleShip.

Think of it as a cross between Minecraft+Tekkit, KSP, and Elite.

Minecraft+Tekkit= has the similar block construction of minecraft with the technical elements of tekkit.

Cool Fact: the blocks are actual voxels, unlike minecraft, which is polygons stored as voxel data. This allows for a more realistic heat simulation and block damage, meaning blocks can have holes punched through them.

KSP= (will have) the realistic physics that KSP has (slightly nerfed/fudged for gameplay reasons)

Elite=(will have) an economy similar to Elite 4: supply and demand, inflation/deflation, all controlled by the player

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I don't play it that much. And when I do I only play Survival Multiplayer and Creative Mode (both) because my first in-game night on Minecraft was TERRIBLE. I was attacked by pretty much everything... I got back into survival when me and some friends started using LAN worlds.

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Notch once tweeted about KSP, I tried the demo and was sold instantly.

Haven't played MC in a while now, but I will allways appreciate it for its flexibility. Whatever kind of gameplay you want, you can get it with MC, eventually with mods.

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