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Exgolab :: My first little time in space lab.

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Hi :)

Bob kerbal here, wanted to measure stuff, but at the same time crash?

then this lab is it.

You launch in space, untill your first stage is empty, wat 1 sec and drop them, start the main engine and go fly, once in space, i hope your main engine is not feuled anymore, drop it and start the engines of the space lab, u should now fly, hopefully.

if you land, dont worry, your pod should be okay.

TIP: Start ASAS, SAS and RCS FIRST or you fly unstable!!!

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you must not know how kerbals work. they do their science very fast. they only need about 10 minutes to find the higgs boson and surely don\'t need an orbiting science lab.

they created this program to make a ship that will reach our earth so they can share their secrets (including the illusive Higgs Boson) with us!

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