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0.22 Subassembly Question / Problems

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Hey there,

today I tried the new subassembly system, but unfortunately I got some problems and cant get it to work.

So what I planned to build are the following things:

- A starter rocket system which I will get rid of as soon as i reached a certain height. These should be some rockets and some cones.

These rockets should be the basic system. And depending on the mission I am going to start I'd like to add some different assemblies, like a moon lander, a satalite or something like this. But It seems that I am not able to combine these parts later on, since the game won't find a point at the parts at which it can join them.

Is there some kind of tutorial or someone able to help me building my assaemblies?

At the End it should look like something like this:


The Module will be the part that stays controlled by me. The Rocket part will be decoupled.

Hope someone can help or tell me with what parts to beginn and in which order of parte to continue building then.

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What he said, you need a Radial Decoupler. This rocket won't be flyable though - very hard to keep stable with your center of mass all to one side. Put that little pod ship on top of your middle rocket (get rid of the cone on the middle one) and put a decoupler there and you'll be golden.

I tend to use subassemblies when I have a successful lifter that I've put a lot of work into to make it stable. I name it with the approx amount of weight it can lift or its dV. I also use subassemblies for successful science probes (when I've added a bunch of stuff to a probe and have it balanced and tuned). I haven't gotten to subassemblies for middle stages yet.

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