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Depends, where do you want to go, and what do you want to do? I'd finish off all the Tier 3 nodes myself, you can make a pretty capable ship with that, and they're cheap!

Edited by Seret
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I'd recommend Electrics soonish so you get a basic solar panel. This will let you do transmissions from orbit without running completely out of power. Then make a bee line for Fuel Systems (though General Construction). Fuel Systems have the fuel lines which let you do Asparagus Staging and for your most efficient rocket construction. With those two you can get to Duna.

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I've unlocked everything that would give a new science sensor before anything else.

The idea was to get every sensors before I start far travels.

But if you don't mind repeating same travel several times, you could take a more even advance going tier per tier

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I'd recommend Electrics soonish so you get a basic solar panel. This will let you do transmissions from orbit without running completely out of power. Then make a bee line for Fuel Systems (though General Construction). Fuel Systems have the fuel lines which let you do Asparagus Staging and for your most efficient rocket construction. With those two you can get to Duna.

But how to get tech points most efficiently???

Now i rediscover joy of plying game, but hate interplanetary transfer when i played sandbox mode i always have difficult with planning interplanetary transfer especially Eve, somehow flight to Duna, do not give me such trouble.

PS. I think Squad should add planetary phase angle calculator.

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PS. I think Squad should add planetary phase angle calculator.


Tbh, I'd be surprised if it wasn't in the plan. Eventually there will be an observatory for spotting and tracking planetary bodies, some better tools for calculating launch windows and burns would make sense.

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For scientific efficiency, maybe pick up all the science mods first, and fly all over Kerbin collecting data in planes I guess. Personally planes annoy me so I went for the BIG numbers and started collections from Mun and Minimus and started getting probes out to all of the other planets with a pretty small amount of science (just the ones I mentioned earlier actually - well, I went one step further in the electric tree to get some 1x6 panels). When you get that return from Minimus and it says 360 science gained (plus all that you transmitted), you won't be thinking about the 10 science here, 10 there stuff.

Oh and just get MechJeb if you don't like the interplanetary transfer planning. Don't use it for anything but setting up your transfer node - works like a charm.

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