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Build as many different types of armed spaceplane as you can. You do not need to prove that they can work exoatmospherically, only that they can fly, and that they have weapons. You should use the same spaceplane each time. If you run out of weapon mods, use your imagination to make more.

I have built four. I am not in the competition.


Standard Sparrow.




Sparrow Interceptor




Sparrow Grenadier


-Wasp Missiles


Sparrow Hunter


-SAS Target Guided Missiles

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I\'m afraid that whilst all your work is, frankly brilliant, it doesn\'t adhere to the \'one spaceplane\' rule.

Which means, as far as I looked, you only have one entry to the competition. You\'re still winning, though.

Not even as a liaison? Oh well.

Sorry, we already have a supplier, whom is the poster above.

We understand your position, and Veto Aerospace acknowleges that you made a very good decision when you chose your original supplier.

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