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Why does this happen?

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Hi all, I was wondering if it's just me or does every ones craft sometimes drop like a ton of bricks at the start of launch, usually resulting in a fatal mess ?

Also can it be rectified.......thanks.

Edited by glibbo
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All craft without lanchclamps are spawned a bit above the launchpad and fall to the ground as soon as physics kicks in. If your ship is too big or fragile to withstand this in can collapse under its own weight.

Struts and launchclapms are your friends!

When you are using launchclapms make sure you do not release them before you ignite your engines.

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Ok so I do use the clamps and struts, also sometimes the craft will wobble like jelly so I'm guessing that it must be the way the game is and I just have to beef it all up to withstand the

initial drop at the start of launch......would that be it?

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Ok so I do use the clamps and struts, also sometimes the craft will wobble like jelly so I'm guessing that it must be the way the game is and I just have to beef it all up to withstand the

initial drop at the start of launch......would that be it?

Yes, when gravity kicks in everything "falls" until it gets "supported" and bounces back up and settles (or breaks off or collides with another part causing failure).

It is best to start with smaller simpler ships or else you won't be able to figure out what's going on.

It's also good when launching a fragile vehicle to not start at full throttle but at around 75% and then throttle up immediately. This reduces the "jerk".

Also, if you could post a picture, that would be helpful.

Edited by Gus
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