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Reliability of parts

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Hi guys

I'm not sure if this has been suggested yet. But how about the parts that you unlock for research have different performance characteristics?


-engines may have points of failure: Start or restart failure, performance issue, explosion

-wheels: stuck on brake, stuck open or close etc.

-stabalization may fail, rcs thrusters .

Everything may start on low reliability but as you fly it it becomes more reliable. If it fails in a flight, you may have to exclude that part for a while while the root cause it analised or you can risk flying it again and it will become more unreliable if it fails again. maybe it can even be tied to the competence of the kerbal in the vehicle. If the little chap is not so smart, maybe things fail easier. And maybe if he has a lot of courage your ship doesnt damage as easily and can land without wheels.

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Not to suggest? That's a shame, since 'random' failures are a big part of rocket science. Better tech should fail less. oh well i guess.

They are also the main reason anyone would ragequit. Can you imagine your trip to Jool going off without a hitch, after having several near crashes, bringing home a crapton of science and several kerbonauts, only to have your craft break apart on reentry due to some random bulcrap?

I'd go on a rampage

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The reason why Squad don't wants any randomness is because they want two similar launch to goes the same way, so you can test the rocket, improve it and launch it. you can also have challenge with you friend.

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