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Kerbal metabolic shutdown

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Note: This is not a thread suggesting food -- this is a thread suggesting a feature if there WERE food any time in the future.

Since Kerbals seem to be practically photosynthetic right now, perhaps later on as career mode is expanded upon food becomes an issue, effectively limiting premature expansion (no more getting to Minmus in a Mk 1 pod). Since many new players may wind up killing their Kerbals on initial attempts like these, I suggest we go easy on them by giving Kerbals the ability to shut down most biological functions once they are deprived, like a tardigrade. This way they can remain in space indefinitely until a rescue craft comes to give them a kick/splash them with water/revive somehow with a new cache of food. How does that sound?

Edited by ThesaurusRex
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Oh wow, really? I had just gone over that right now.

Ah, there it is, "Life Support". I'd have figured that would just apply to oxygen regulation, which I didn't mention. I also didn't exactly suggest food outright -- this is merely a suggestion if they DO implement food. Perhaps I should make that clear :)

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Once i did try to implement food were i would have a capsule consume a resource called food and a part called a farm produce food it ended up not working well

Just pointing out

I would like to see food in the game

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