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My prototype of a planetary facility


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Hey guys. this is my first topic, and i have been busy with building my own facility. its meant to be a prototype for a kethane refinery on Mun, so please tell me what you guys think about it.

The overview at night, so you can see the lovely red lights...


And here you can see the general transportation pipes.


This is called a Cross Pipe. Because you can attach/dock multiple pipes to it :D Da Vinci would be proud of me... (Ofcourse he wont... :P )


And at last, this is the Electricity Unit, without it, the lights wont be turned on and the components wont move.


What do you guys think about it?

i would like some feedback, because i wanna know what others think about it :D



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There is already a low-part, stock base-building system like yours, with Kethane drills, refineries, and storage.


Now, now. Let's not be mean to the new slaves... I mean... slaves...

It looks like it would work well on the Mun anyhow... but it would be a little cramped, don't you think?

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Actually, it looks really cool! but one thing I want to suggest to you, which is reducing the landing legs count, I don't think you need that much of landing legs. specially in .22, they have suspension and they get repaired if broken, also they kinda angle themselves to match the ground. nice design man!

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Yeah the problem is: I dont really have much experience in the game. I actualy never landed on the Mun Succesfully.... ive only crashed against another spacecraft when i tried to refuel it. Poor me.

Soooo first ill have to get that mothership running and in Mun's orbit. After that ill probaly try to get something at the mun...

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