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EVA Navigation And homing beacon

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Okie you've landed your EVA and you've boldly gone so far your lost because there's no navigation assistance on your Kerbal. :(

At the moment there's not even a compass point to help you get back to your ship, it would be nice to see this fixed so that if you go flying off boosters ahoy! You can actually find your ship again. lol

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Would be nice to have something to help with navigation yes. Speed would be nice to know.

It won't be the first time that I have to randevous with an empty ship drifiting somewhere way outside, and wish my kerbal had some information to help me fly the 5 kilometer gap between stranded ship and rescue ship.

And before you ask, that's still faster than trying to get both ships at 200m distance when they are 15000 km above kerbin

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  • 1 year later...

Yeah an EVA compass would be an amazing and must have mod. How many times I have tried to get the surface sample from somewhere on Kerbin when I landed and wasn't quite in the right spot. Keep checking my trajectory on the orbital map to see if I am going the right direction when walking.

Also I had this awkward situation in my most recent career mode play through. I sent Jeb to the Mun, when he was coming back I pressed shift to pan the camera around as it's the input for a different game I play. burnt the last of my fuel on retro grade and was on a dangerous crash course with Kerbin (I use deadly re-entry). I sent a rescue mission up to intercept him. During that time his ship ran out of power so I had to EVA him (I use Tac LIfe Support) or he would die of toxicity. So I set up the rescue ship for an interception near Kerbin and then flew the last part EVA back from the Mun. This seemed ok until I got close to the point of intersect which then went dark. Kerbin came between me and the Sun. It's almost impossible to find a rescue ship or Kerbal in pitch black with no navigation.

I was moving the camera around looking for a shadow blocking the star background. I flew past the thing several times, back and forth. I eventually got back when I had entered the atmosphere at 65km. I kept failing to grab on and flying off when I initially got to the craft. It was getting incredibly difficult to get back to the ship. I thought Jeb was a gonner. I now equip all ships with a few lights just in case. A compass could of saved me 40 minutes of dicking around.

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100% agree with the compass.

Tip : If you are lost on EVA tryibg to get back to a ship, and not looking for a contract zone, then just set the ship as your target... If its near you it will appear on the HUD.

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  Hawkstorm said:
Okie you've landed your EVA and you've boldly gone so far your lost because there's no navigation assistance on your Kerbal. :(

At the moment there's not even a compass point to help you get back to your ship, it would be nice to see this fixed so that if you go flying off boosters ahoy! You can actually find your ship again. lol

This is a nice idea. However, in Career Mode I also think that more information should become available as the Astronaut Complex is upgraded (simulating improvements in EVA suit technology).

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Blinking lights that can be seen from far far away. I would love to setup a few outposts on some hills on the Mun and every one of them would blink with a different color. Seeing them blinking on the horizon would be awesome IMO. Just like lighthouses on the sea.

E: also good when it's dark and in space.

Edited by Veeltch
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  veeltch said:
blinking lights that can be seen from far far away. I would love to setup a few outposts on some hills on the mun and every one of them would blink with a different color. Seeing them blinking on the horizon would be awesome imo. Just like lighthouses on the sea.

E: Also good when it's dark and in space.


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