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Theory for a new propellant called "Propellant VEEG-HEPSY"

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The idea is to absorb air and then expel that same air. This process is repeated constantly because the air will never end.

We can not be without a gas or air which expel for move in the universe. And this video design, provides a good idea to achieve these goals, which is to get as far as possible in outer space.

This model of 8 turbines, works in the following way. See VIDEO:





Very affectionately,

Victor Elias Espinoza Guedez

Email: victor.espinoza.13@hotmail.com

Email: victoreliasespinoza20@hotmail.com

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Guest Brody_Peffley

Wth :o You still need electricity to pump the air back and forth.. So your better off with a engine that uses plasma, Instead of something that won't do anything.

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Wth :o You still need electricity to pump the air back and forth.. So your better off with a engine that uses plasma, Instead of something that won't do anything.

But the plasma engine needs 12,000 degrees of temperature in a cold universe. Much more electricity is needed to reach that temperature and more to run the plasma engine.

They can not achieve that temperature of 12,000 degrees with 110 volt. On the other hand my engine if it would run on 110 volts.

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This again.

Have you actually tried building any of these devices and taking measurements to show that they actually work?

Your research program is lacking in repeatable experimental results and documentation describing those experiments, it is just some theories that claim to disprove well-established concepts.

As such I'll be closing this for trolling, because without experimental results showing that this works you are inviting people to question your education and background in science.

Edited by OdinYggd
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