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Your favorite Kerbal names


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We all have those Kerbals who we adore just because of their names. You'll always use them for the big missions and protect them with your life. What names have you gotten? I've gotten Macsy and Danburry, I like to imagine Macsy as a female. I'm not sure what it is about those names that makes me attatched to them.

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I got Billybobvis Kerman once in .20 and my first reaction was

"Alright, who put bill and bob in the morph machine!?"

I got him when I had bill, bob, and Jeb on missions and no other Kerbals were hired.

I was landing him on the mun when my game crashed and then when I got the game loaded again he had vanished into the mun :(

R.I.P. Billybobvis Kerman ;.;

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I like any kerbal i get with "Lud" in there name. Haven't seen any Ludsoe kermans yet.... I assume they are smart enough to avoid the space program at all costs. But I've got "Ludson" and "Ludfurt".


I dont have a picture of Ludson.... He was on my 0.21 sandbox save.

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