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[.22]copenhagen suborbitals Heat 1x Tycho Brahe v1.1!


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tycho Brahe

This is the Tycho Brahe, it's a sub orbital space capsule made by Copenhagen suborbitals in Denmark.

its a 3 meter long, 0,625 diameter cylinder in witch, in this case, the kerman stand straight up in.

it contains SAS,some power and a parachute.

the real capsule was constructed in the period between 2008 and 2010.It was successfully launched

in 2011 on top of a heat-1X hybrid rocket with a 70kg dummy inside

unfortunately the capsule was damaged on splashdown due to parachute failure.

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special thanks goes to Copenhagen_Suborbitals as he/she/they helped me find information for this addon


-fix bugs

-implement sfr's plugin

(-reduce file size)

planed features:

-Tycho Deepspace I & II

version history:


-added Heat 1x hybrid booster

-added decoupler

-minor tweaks


-reduced file size

-re-orientated capsule


-initial release

licensed under


Edited by tjitte
realease v1.1
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I like your idea, also considering there's probably a few people from Cophenhagen Suborbitals on the forum, i hope to hear from them.

(Learned about them when their last launch was covered on the General section of this forum)

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OMFG: Who actually is crazy enough to put him/herself in this deathtrap. Well actually Kerbals are, but this is also a RL deathtrap ...erm... rocket ...eh... deathtrap.

I am getting creeps just by looking at it.*3)

I would s**t and p**s myself. When I realize that ...

  1. ... I will go into that thing.
  2. ... I won't be able to move.
  3. ... I am even closer to the "bomb"*1) I am riding on than in a normal rocket.
  4. ... is has not abort system.
  5. ... I am wearing no suit and only the very thin hull stands between me and death.
  6. ... a parachute failure will kill me. (as happened to the prototype)
  7. ... (-that) all this ducktape that is closing the lit.

And also

  1. at launch.
  2. and especially at the (probably) head first*2) reentry.

I am just realizing that it could be a marketing trick to sell (more) diapers for adults.

Has anyone actually measured....

  1. ... the G-Forces which where applied to the (brave but yet dummy) pilot?
  2. ... the reentry heat applied to the head? I mean a cooked brain may seems funny (yummy?) to some people but surely not for the pilot.

My tip: add more parachutes... way more parachutes (especially for the case of failures) to it... and make sure it even works (bring back the pilot safely) even with much higher payload. I mean 70kg for an adult isn't that much (nerd launcher?). And even if you assume 90kg there is something called security tolerance mhich means if the pilot weights 90kg it should still working safely with 120kg+.

Real edit: If you put in the minister which is responsible for the latest dog laws, forget the parachutes (all of them).

*1)=If you actually don't know yet. A rocket is practically a bunch of flying explosives which, in best case, is prevented from uncontrolled exploding.

*2)= ballistic trajectory with no correction devices assumed.

*3)=which won't make me hesitate to put a kerbal inside

Edited by Bizz Keryear
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  Bizz Keryear said:
OMFG: Who actually is crazy enough to put him/herself in this deathtrap. Well actually Kerbals are, but this is also a RL deathtrap ...erm... rocket ...eh... deathtrap.

I am getting creeps just by looking at it.*3)

I would s**t and p**s myself. When I realize that ...

  1. ... I will go into that thing.
  2. ... I won't be able to move.
  3. ... I am even closer to the "bomb"*1) I am riding on than in a normal rocket.
  4. ... is has not abort system.
  5. ... I am wearing no suit and only the very thin hull stands between me and death.
  6. ... a parachute failure will kill me. (as happened to the prototype)
  7. ... (-that) all this ducktape that is closing the lit.

And also

  1. at launch.
  2. and especially at the (probably) head first*2) reentry.

I am just realizing that it could be a marketing trick to sell (more) diapers for adults.

Has anyone actually measured....

  1. ... the G-Forces which where applied to the (brave but yet dummy) pilot?
  2. ... the reentry heat applied to the head? I mean a cooked brain may seems funny (yummy?) to some people but surely not for the pilot.

My tip: add more parachutes... way more parachutes (especially for the case of failures) to it... and make sure it even works (bring back the pilot safely) even with much higher payload. I mean 70kg for an adult isn't that much (nerd launcher?). And even if you assume 90kg there is something called security tolerance mhich means if the pilot weights 90kg it should still working safely with 120kg+.

Real edit: If you put in the minister which is responsible for the latest dog laws, forget the parachutes (all of them).

*1)=If you actually don't know yet. A rocket is practically a bunch of flying explosives which, in best case, is prevented from uncontrolled exploding.

*2)= ballistic trajectory with no correction devices assumed.

*3)=which won't make me hesitate to put a kerbal inside

To all of this, I have a few words to say:

I would.

That is all.

Oh, and just to point this out- if I was you I would probably be scared to drive a car or fly in a plane, as all are propelled by mostly-controlled explosions. Barley.

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  tjitte said:
If this thinf scares you off, you might reconsidder going into rockets at all. In a normal capsule you can move no more than in this one and the ticho brahe gives you an acselent view:)
But is not having a view not an advantage?

Btw. Space capsules aren't that cramped anymore.

And I doubt I could scratch my head in that one. (unable to lift my arms)

  Mekan1k said:
To all of this, I have a few words to say:

I would.

That is all.

Let me point this out: It would be the trip of your lifetime (well, most probably the last trip).
  Mekan1k said:

Oh, and just to point this out- if I was you I would probably be scared to drive a car or fly in a plane, as all are propelled by mostly-controlled explosions. Barley.

But, in opposite to rockets, cars and planes do not tent to explode randomly. Even if Hollywood says otherwise. Actually It takes a lot of effort to make a car explode, well crashing planes can create an explosion since the fuel gets mechanically mixed with air (impact) and there is also a ignition source (running engine) which is also the reason why the fuel is dumped. But in general they don't explode unless its provoked from the inside (bomb) or outside (e.g. missile).

Which (fuel dumping) is not an option on a rocket. 1. While dumped fuel from a plane is burnable but not explosive (at least not near the plane) the dumped fuel from a rocket contains an oxygen source (aka. oxidizer) which makes the mixture highly explosive. 2. The dumped fuel from a plane does not pass the engine (ignition source) however on a rocket it does (gravity can be bitch sometimes).

Before I use something like this it has to be proven as (potential*) safe. It does't have to be save as a plane but at least as safe as a car.

*=In statistics is often used "deaths / number of persons used" which makes the plane safer than the car. That same statistics might make that rocket the safest cause no one ever died while using it. (cause no one ever used it)

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acktuali, the rocked used in the tycho brahe was a hybrit rocked, this is a rocked that uses a oxidiser and a solid feul. the oxidiser can be oxigen or or nitroperoxide if im not mistaking. the solidfeul can be anything with a lot of energie, use peanutbutter if you like. if you would dump the dumpable feul, wich is the oxidiser nothing would explode or burn becouse the oxidiser isnt flameble(there's even 21% of it in the atmosphere, get it?) and then the peanutbutter woulnt have enoug oxigen to burn.

then again, this is for almost any rocktet. and most of them use normal liquid fuel engines. with liquid feul. so if you were la president at the time, there would be no mercutie rocket, no atlas rocket and there would probably no human made **** on the moon. rockets are dangereus and you need to get used to living with it.

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Ok, I love the idea and the look but 24MB for a pod? I have a lot of stuff installed and this just pushed it over the edge into crash mode. Can you add a low texture version or something please? I can't justify half the size of random parts (for example) for 1 pod.

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  Ratzap said:
Ok, I love the idea and the look but 24MB for a pod? I have a lot of stuff installed and this just pushed it over the edge into crash mode. Can you add a low texture version or something please? I can't justify half the size of random parts (for example) for 1 pod.

thanks for mentioning that. I din't realise that :) I alreadi reduced the size to 14 mb, probably more to come :)

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Well, you know, this is the capsule that they're actually going to send people to space in: bertelsen_daab.jpg


It even has a launch escape tower, but during the last Launch Escape Test, it started tumbling in the air due to shifting center of mass. This is the official website.

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  Tommygun said:
I really like the IVA view.

Do you think there is any way to see the Kerbal from the outside?

Something like that SFR Command Pod Mod or even having a node for the External Command Seat part inside the nose area?

I'm looking into that, but I'm running into some problems, please check my development tread.

  wasmic said:
Well, you know, this is the capsule that they're actually going to send people to space in:

I know, I know! I'f done my research, actualy thair current project is tycho deepspace II, wich is more mercury bassed.

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  tjitte said:
I'm looking into that, but I'm running into some problems, please check my development tread.

I know, I know! I'f done my research, actualy thair current project is tycho deepspace II, wich is more mercury bassed.

I assumed that you knew. That post was directed towards those who thought they would actually try to send a man to space in that thing. May I ask if you're going to make one of the Tycho Deep Space capsules?

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  wasmic said:
I assumed that you knew. That post was directed towards those who thought they would actually try to send a man to space in that thing. May I ask if you're going to make one of the Tycho Deep Space capsules?

I think il do that, but firs im going to finish this + the heat 1X

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Copenhagen Suborbitals An "Open Source" not for profit Aerospace company set up with the specific mission to make cheap, manned suborbital spaceflight.

And apparently my new heroes - that's research for the sake of scientific discovery and more importantly enabling more scientific discovery through reducing the costs of other research projects in need of cheap transport out of the atmosphere. The idea that they are re-purposing weapons of mass destruction to do so - here - now - in 2013 - just makes me oh so happy.

This kind of awesome is infectious. Thanks for leading me to that knowledge!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  Copenhagen_Suborbitals said:
We are not. We are building everything from scratch.

I think he meant more like rockets in general, not your rockets specifically. However, that development has gone on for many years (I am too lazy to calculate how many years ago 1946 was). I don't understand his post, but he may just have gotten his facts wrong. Or something.

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