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How to edit part pictures?

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Not sure I got exaclty what you are asking for.

If you are looking for the texture that is apply on the part itself, I don't know but I guess you will find your answer in here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/forums/14-Modelling-and-Texturing-Discussion

If you are talking about the image that is shown on the part list in the VAB/SPH and research tree, then it is an image that is generated by the game after the database is loaded. and so you don't have to make it for a new parts, and to change it, I guess you will have to dig into the code to see where it's store, and modify it everytime the database is loaded.

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The texture applied on the part. I'm wanting to know how to edit them now since they aren't a picture file.

Ahhh so I need to get Unity and than edit the picture files straight from the model?

Is there an easier way to edit pictures like on a flat picture like it used to be?

nvm I just read into this a bit. Unity is to edit the model, but what do I use to edit the texture?

Edited by UbioZur
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Few things:

Within 5 minutes and no other post between you can edit you post intead of multiposting. So i have merged your post

What you call picture is called Texture (it will be easier for your search). So I have moved your thread to to a more appropriate forum.

From my search I have found:




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._. I know its called a texture. I'm not THAT much of a newby

Oh and thanks for merging.

But thanks! I love seeing more new links...

yeah I've been testing out pretty much all the converters I can get my hands on but none have worked so far.

Oh wait, I've used all those links before. the script doesn't work

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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Many parts have their textures in MBM format. It can't be read by most paint programs, but ther are conversion programs to change it to othe formats.

Others use TGA or PNG that will load into any paint program for modification.

It depends on what format the modded saved them from Unity.

Once you find a texture that's readable (or convert an MBM to a more readable format) you just load it into a paint program like paint.net, GIMP, or Photoshop. Once you make the changes you want you resale the image with the same file name and restart KSP to see the model with your new texture.

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