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What you did in the good ol' days.


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Post here what you once did in 0.12 and 0.13.

I built a sub-orbital spaceplane using C7 pack, but it couldn't land. It just crashed. I actually never built a working spaceplane until 0.14.

Was it actually hard when you didn't have SPH, to assemble the airplanes? I mean, the manual gear installation, everything.

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Post here what you once did in 0.12 and 0.13.

I built a sub-orbital spaceplane using C7 pack, but it couldn't land. It just crashed. I actually never built a working spaceplane until 0.14.

Was it actually hard when you didn't have SPH, to assemble the airplanes? I mean, the manual gear installation, everything.

Things I did in .13.... hmmmmmmm

i remember the little things.... first time I tried to build big, and I realized I had not figured out struts yet...first time I ever saw the orange tank rockomax fireworx display. "they went that away and a thataway"

first moon landing... hadn't figured out my aproach slope for a zero atmo world and screemed in at a 30 degree angle.

second moon landing... yo-yoed until the fuel ran out

third moon landing... landed just hard enough to explode my landing struts but the rest of the ship lived... then tipped over in slow mo.

First attempt at Duna orbit... ended up as a solar exploration vehikle and the final resting place of my first jebidiah. (had not orbit syncing skills so never did rescue him, just left him there till the next big update.)

First mod... well mods... when I discovered spaceport, i dl'ed 13 mods and installed them all. BobCat, firespitter, Lazers, KW and novapunch. soooooo many mods. Had to install them twice cuz the first try killed my save file....

Ahhhhh the memories.


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Things I did in .13.... hmmmmmmm

i remember the little things.... first time I tried to build big, and I realized I had not figured out struts yet...first time I ever saw the orange tank rockomax fireworx display. "they went that away and a thataway"

first moon landing... hadn't figured out my aproach slope for a zero atmo world and screemed in at a 30 degree angle.

second moon landing... yo-yoed until the fuel ran out

third moon landing... landed just hard enough to explode my landing struts but the rest of the ship lived... then tipped over in slow mo.

First attempt at Duna orbit... ended up as a solar exploration vehikle and the final resting place of my first jebidiah. (had not orbit syncing skills so never did rescue him, just left him there till the next big update.)

First mod... well mods... when I discovered spaceport, i dl'ed 13 mods and installed them all. BobCat, firespitter, Lazers, KW and novapunch. soooooo many mods. Had to install them twice cuz the first try killed my save file....

Ahhhhh the memories.


Such a shame there weren't big orange tanks, landing legs, Duna (or any other planets), or some of the mods you listed in .13

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Mostly, I orbited. And orbited. And orbited. And these orbits would be almost polar and rather eccentric. I'd fly my shuttle-esque ship. I'd fly my starfighter (that had no guns). Then, one day, I stumbled across a video on Youtube by some guy called szygzy (is that how you spell Scott Manley's alter-ego?). This video showed me how to reach that most elusive of targets: Mun. I immediately figured out equatorial orbits, and on my second run to the Mun, I landed. Didn't return, but I'd finally reached it. That was a good day :)

A few days later, and I bought 0.16 of the game. EVA, Minmus, new parts... damn, that was a good version of the game.

Sometimes I look back on those days and see just how far KSP has come. While it remains a fantastic game that I absolutely would not be able to live without, I also feel it's lost a certain... something. The novelty of it all, I suppose. Good thing I have both 0.13.3 and 0.16 still backed up on my external hard drive :D

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-Fly to 10,000 m

-Try to use liquid rockets


-Download Mods




-Orbit the Sun

-Miss the Mun by several million km

-Learn about orbital inclination

-Download more mods

-Crash the game

-Orbit the Mun

-Crash into the Mun


-Land on Mun

-Buy game

-Attempt rendezvous

-Get bored

-Attempt to build Mun base

-Crash into Mun

-Insult mechjeb users

-Install Mechjeb


-Complain because docking wasn't added

-Wait, a new moon was added? All is forgiven.

-Build a plane

-Crash the plane

-Build a rocket

-Crash into Minmus

-Roll my command pod around for a while



-Download Probodobodyne mod

-Config edit the parts so that they work

-Land probe on Mun

-Land Jeb on Mun 1km from the probe

-Run out of fuel

-Fly Jeb over to the Probe

-Send Bill and Bob to rescue jeb

-Land 500m from Jeb

-Go home

-Attempt to build Mun base, actually succeed.

-Attempt to Rendezvous, actually succeed.

-Download NovaPunch

-Download KOSMOS

-Download KW rocketry

-Game crashes



-Wait, going to Duna requires math?

-Builds a bigass rocket

- ksp.olex.biz goes up, bless this good Earth

- Get tons of mods

- Build a base on Bop


-Struggle to update my mods for 0.18

-Become best friends with C7 <3

-Struggle anyways because the universe hates me

-Build a cool space station

-Attach a rocket to one of my planes and dock it with my station

-De-orbit plane, kill jeb

-Discover that this guy who makes KSP fanart is a little too obsessed with Nazis

-Call fanart guy out for acting like a douchebag, mods give me friendly warning

-Call someone an entitled prick for demanding a mod be updated, banned for the weekend

-Post off topic fanart guy's thread, banned for a week for being immature.

-Fanart guy is a huge ass, I retaliate, receive a two week, all expenses paid trip to Casa El Bano.

-Decide to make mods

-I suck at making mods, abandon making mods

-Check up on the forums

-Some asshole decided to reveal all of fanart guy's personal info, oh man this is hilarious

-The the mods are deleting posts and banning people left and right

-2 weeks are up. Unbanned.

-I quietly release an alpha version of my mod

-Fanart guy banned, pretend to act sympathetic, but really I'm not. He was rude to many users and couldn't take criticism like a real artist.

-0.20 is released! Lets play with rover seats!

-Sent a rover to Minmus, and did some sick jumps

-One of my Kerbals hit Minmus too hard RIP. ;_;

-Got the Orion mod and went to Duna

-Ran out of bombs around Duna

-0.21 released, I suddenly don't care about those kerbals anymore

-Build cool planes with B9 and fly everywhere.

-Get really bored with KSP

-0.22 released not bored anymore

-Strand my Kerbals and more importantly, my science, on Minmus.

And that's basically my entire Kerballing history.

Edited by Nutt007
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Back in the days of 0.11 and 0.12, I admit that I was not the best of rocketeers. Most of my time spent with the former was just figuring out how the heck you get into orbit, and most of the latter I spent trying (and failing) to reach the Mun. There was a brief stint there where I embraced my inner Danny2642 and just made ships to blow up for fun, but that was short-lived. I did at least legitimately get to the Mun before 0.13 came out! And illegitimately with those old cheat super-nacelles too, but I don't talk about that so much. :P

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Good Ole Days?

Space Invaders, Astroids, Defender, Space War, Star Castle...

Oh Wait, We're Talking KSP. 0.18 Is When I Started.

Exploded A Lot, Crashed A Lot, Got To Orbit, Crashed On The Mun, Didn't Crash On Minus, Crashed On Duna.

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I started in .17 (and I should have started sooner if only I had taken cardgame's advice) and spent a lot of time trying to get to the Mun. I finally did it and felt proud, it probably took a week of solid effort.

Then my friend came over and I showed him the basics of the game and he did it on literally his first try. :mad:

Whenever docking came out (.18?) I immediately built an huge 4+ orange tank refueling station (fully fueled) and landed on Duna and returned. I also made it on a one-way Laythe trip of which I was quite proud. Unfortunately, I never used the refueling station for anything and lost it when .19 came out. I tried to build some planes in .19 but nothing ever worked out.

I skipped a couple of updates (busy with school) and since I started playing again a few weeks ago, I've been pursuing this mad idea of building a giant research base on Laythe. Along the way, I developed a couple of working SSTO's as part of the project, but I've mostly failed at my objectives. :(

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Tried repeatedly to get to Orbit. Launched straight up... No gravity turn. Got to space... Someone online said orbital velocity was like 2500m/s... so... now that I'm in space... Turned sideways and accelerated until I was that speed. Didn't know if I was in orbit until I went around once with out losing any altitude.

There was no Map View. I don't think there was a atmosphere level indicator either... we were flying pretty blind.

Then they added the Mun... and again there was no map view...

Tried to get to the Mun. Guessed at what direction the Mun was moving. Aimed for where I thought it was going to be... went... Oh the mun looks awfully close... Oh no I'm going to fly past if I don't slow down. Slow down until I ran out of fuel. Again had to do a complete orbit to know if I was in fact in orbit or not.

Mostly people just came up with off the wall rocket designs that looked funny or were incredibly unlikely to work... and yet did.

I played .12 I think and .13 was were I stopped for a while as they started charging. Wasn't until .18 that I was able to buy the game.

Edited by FITorion
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I was playing 0.13 and below on the old laptop that I had before I got my current computer, so all I did most of the time was attaching a command pod with a parachute to a solid booster and flying over the ocean.

With parts packs (the 0.13 demo allowed mods), I also made a satellite launcher with a fairing.

Edited by Pipcard
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(not my picture) doing this was so fun back then. Though it was horrible to deal with switching the command pod, so I never really did it. Also satellites sucked because there were no animated solar panels. Of course I never put anything into orbit anyway...

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Here is a record of what I did per version

0.15: Apply booster, aquire flight

0.16: Apply booster, aquire flight

0.17: Apply booster, aquire flight

0.18: Apply booster, aquire flight

0.19: Apply booster, aquire flight

0.20: Apply booster, aquire flight

0.21: Apply booster, aquire flight

0.22: Apply booster, aquire flight

I guess nothing much has changed.

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I know! I just sort of threw everything on and see what stuck.

In 0.17 I used to try and land on the mun using the linear thrusters attached underneath! It wasn't until much, much later that I realised that they probably weren't the best usage of RCS fuel. I literally had 64 of the things underneath all in a pretty pattern. The collective RCS puffs practically ruined my CPU.

Still, sometimes it worked...sometimes!

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