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to get into Orbit info

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Say you've built a rocket, but you don't have time to test it 10 different times. There should be an Orbital button and you set it to 70,000m, it will give you data on how much delta V it requires and how much fuel it will use depending on your staging and rocket. This would be good for sandbox mode and maybe career mode.

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Or maybe a high-speed simulation which tells you if a rocket makes it, rather than HOW to get the rocket to orbit? If it took just a second or two then tweaking the design in the VAB would be much less hassle than doing "test" flights for every tweak!

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How do you mean no time to test it? What else is waiting for you, the window to transfer to another planet?

Cause if you don't have time to test it cause you have homework, you should be doing that instead of designing a rocket

If you want data on how much deltaV you have, either calculate it by hand or use Mechjeb/Kerbal Engineer. In time that info should become vanilla.

Just teleporting you to whatever place to 'test' it, should not. Launch it, and see if it works. Or calculate it, and see if it works

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