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How are the planet height maps generated?

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I'm not 100% sure if this would be the best place for a subject like this so apologies if it should have gone elsewhere.

I've been looking around for a while now but had no luck finding any sources from the devs stating exactly which terrain generation techniques they use. I've been told that fractals are used to create the height data. I've found an old blog post from about 2 years ago which talks about how the data is used and applied, but the only hint towards the methods used is old and may or may not used within the current version of the game.

Would anyone happen to have a link to one of the Devs themselves talking about the techniques used in a blog or forum post?

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Here you go, they explained it well (as well as other things) on the unite conference.

If you have a spare hour to kill and want to know how things are done in ksp:

That video is great, thank you! Do you know of any more sources of info regarding their PQS mod system? It comes across as a bit ambiguous when it talks about the particular technique used. I know they mentioned Simplex Noise within the later stages of the talk but is the same technique used to create Height data for all if not most planets in KSP? I know Kerbin has some hand drawn features but it's the rest I'm interested in.

I want to avoid misinterpreting any info they gave us in the video.

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