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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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that's because I started having the problem with RSS also haveing other problems, Launch sits in the air, likely map problems and a scambled soler system., with kerban/earth we out in the outer system...



I am sure there is something I did wrong some where

EDit I tried posting some screen shots but it does not look like there showing up so I will post just links as well..

http://picpaste.com/screenshot7-cv1WOVcM.png http://picpaste.com/screenshot5-ydmXvrQL.png

Edited by tmikesecrist3
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that's because I started having the problem with RSS also haveing other problems, Launch sits in the air, likely map problems and a scambled soler system., with kerban/earth we out in the outer system...



I am sure there is something I did wrong some where

EDit I tried posting some screen shots but it does not look like there showing up so I will post just links as well..

http://picpaste.com/screenshot7-cv1WOVcM.png http://picpaste.com/screenshot5-ydmXvrQL.png

Ugh, hard to tell with that nighttime shot.... what RSS config are you using? the stock RSS, or one of the alternates? That kind of looks like what I got with the 10x Kerbol system and I had to edit the KSC and I raised it a little too high... but I can't tell if that's what's happening to you. Too high.

And.... not sure what's happening with the solar system either. Quite probably an error in the RealSolarSystem.cfg file, specifically in the Kerbin section. It's not that Kerbin is in the outer section, it's that the other planets didn't get parsed so from Duna on out, they're where they are in stock-KSP.

That can happen if the RSS Earth texture files are missing. (happened to me when I first deleted them because didn't want Earth and I didnt realize they were being referenced in the RSS config file)

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I think its stock, I scrolled down to where it said download on on the op I did not click on one of the 4 alternates, Just under the License CC-BY-SA

Did you check out the FAQ on the first page? See if your problem isn't listed there.

If not, post your output_log.txt file. Preferably dropbox. If you don't have a dropbox you should, so now is the perfect opportunity to get one.

Install the dropbox software and you'll get a dropbox folder on your desktop. Drop your output_log.txt in there, right click it and there's an option to grab the dropbox link for that file. Then give us the link here. I'll take a look at it. (not now though; have to go do IRL stuff. Cause I don't get to live on Kerbin with Kerbals helping them with their space program IRL, because IRL freaking sucks)

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1. the Kethane_MMI error and the ScanSatRPM error are both fine. The first is because it's a zero-byte file*; the second is because you are either not using ScanSAT, or not using RPM.

*which Majiir did so no one would have both the old Kethane DLL (which is of that name) and the new Kethane DLL.

2. Distant Objects is causing an exception.

3. ConnectedLivingSpace is causing exceptions.

The real problem, however, is that you did not install according to the install directions. KSPModAdmin *does* mess up RSS. You need to follow RSS's install directions *exactly*. That's why they're there.

Look on line 70356 of the file: RSS is trying to find its images, but KSPModAdmin has messed up the paths.

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well I feel like an idiot, Nathan ty, I removed the mod made sure the file was removed... then unzipped it in the game date folder using winRar and it works now so thank you vary much, now lets see how much fun I have learning to put things in space again :P

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now lets see how much fun I have learning to put things in space again :P

Good luck! I'm kinda jealous you get to experience RSS orbits for the first time. That's a hell of a thing.

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Good luck! I'm kinda jealous you get to experience RSS orbits for the first time. That's a hell of a thing.

I remember seeing the splendor of RSS sized Kerbin for the first time from 100+km up...

then I realized my third stage was empty and I was still suborbital.

then I experienced my first RSS DREC reentry.

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The atmosphere of Mars is way less dense than ours...

I've found a picture on wikipedia website of altitude vs velocity of various probes that landed on mars:


Does it look like what you have described?

I tried to land on Mars in RSS myself and it's really not easy to land there, partly because the surface starts at 10-20km, and the probe smashes into the surface at 2 km/s. Maybe the model of Duna is overscaled, compared with the atmosphere?

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I tried to land on Mars in RSS myself and it's really not easy to land there, partly because the surface starts at 10-20km, and the probe smashes into the surface at 2 km/s. Maybe the model of Duna is overscaled, compared with the atmosphere?

I think that's already accounted for in the config. Let me check real quick.

EDIT: Not anymore it seems. I remember when I changed around the config it used to be quite a bit more than real Mars but now it uses an accurate pressure curve. The surface might not start at 10km though, since RSS doesn't currently have a height map for Duna so all of its surface features are stretched much more, creating huge plains like you're saying.

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When can we expect to see stock RSS featuring real planets and texutes, instead of having to use the glitchy PlantFactory?

I really wanna get started on the other planets for my EVE config but it doesn't work properly with PF.

Maybe if the porblems postponing it are with the sentar system we could at least get the ones already in orbit on stock RSS put up?

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When can we expect to see stock RSS featuring real planets and texutes, instead of having to use the glitchy PlantFactory?

I really wanna get started on the other planets for my EVE config but it doesn't work properly with PF.

Maybe if the porblems postponing it are with the sentar system we could at least get the ones already in orbit on stock RSS put up?

I have a pack released and will put up another link to it, though if you'd like you can just search the thread for "planet pack" and you should land on it pretty quick. It doesn't have everything and I'm not happy with them yet (have been slowly trying to improve them in my free time), but its a good start.

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I have a pack released and will put up another link to it, though if you'd like you can just search the thread for "planet pack" and you should land on it pretty quick. It doesn't have everything and I'm not happy with them yet (have been slowly trying to improve them in my free time), but its a good start.

Awesome. If you could get that on the OP I'm sure it'd be pretty damn popular. If it works out well, mind if I recommend directly to it on my RVE thread? :)

EDIT: sweet it works perfectly, this is a god send, now I can finally start on the planets! EnQue Holst!

DOUBLE EDIT: Spacedinvador is this planet pack v1, from an older RSS version? there are some features I cant use without it not running properly, such as Atmosphere from ground.

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Awesome. If you could get that on the OP I'm sure it'd be pretty damn popular. If it works out well, mind if I recommend directly to it on my RVE thread? :)

EDIT: sweet it works perfectly, this is a god send, now I can finally start on the planets! EnQue Holst!

DOUBLE EDIT: Spacedinvador is this planet pack v1, from an older RSS version? there are some features I cant use without it not running properly, such as Atmosphere from ground.

The config is indeed from version 6. I haven't upgraded to 6.2 just yet, since it seemed like there were some issues that still needed to be worked out (not sure if they've all been fixed yet). You can try copying the lines regarding SSColor32, SSBump, and then the PQS for vertexheightmap into the new config, overwriting / replacing where necessary. As long as you make sure there are no duplicates I think you should be fine. Just remember to delete the obj files for the planets which will take a while to rebuild them again on next load. I'm going to buckle down over the next week or two and upgrade myself to 6.2 and then also try to get the Jovian system out and spend some time working on refining the planets already in the pack, so look for that soon.

As for putting it in the OP, it may be a little while, as we are going to hold off until I feel its actually done enough for a proper release and I'm not sure how long that's going to take. I'm still trying to do something with Mars to get rid of the ridiculously bright specularity from the original image, and then there's Mercury's height map, which is basically a normal map turned black and while, which leads to lots of weird surface features... Anyway, it will be there eventually...

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I tried to land on Mars in RSS myself and it's really not easy to land there, partly because the surface starts at 10-20km, and the probe smashes into the surface at 2 km/s. Maybe the model of Duna is overscaled, compared with the atmosphere?

There is nothing wrong with Duna that a decent hypersonic chute won't cure. (Hey just like Mars!) you can make a Duna capable chute with Real Chutes

My favorite method is Curiosity style. Use chute for final braking and release ~2km up for thruster landing.

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There is nothing wrong with Duna that a decent hypersonic chute won't cure. (Hey just like Mars!) you can make a Duna capable chute with Real Chutes

My favorite method is Curiosity style. Use chute for final braking and release ~2km up for thruster landing.

Yes, the chutes work fine. Just this extremely high variety of altitues confuses me.

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theres a reason NASA prefers valleys and deep craters when landing on Mars.

I still can't wait to actually get to Mars and land in Valles Marineris... I still haven't managed a Mars mission yet as I always get side tracked, either by RL or by my projects here :(

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I still can't wait to actually get to Mars and land in Valles Marineris... I still haven't managed a Mars mission yet as I always get side tracked, either by RL or by my projects here :(

See? RL should be outlawed. Whose bright idea was that anyway?

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Here is the problem I am having with My explore satellite, Which uses Sargent rockets, and clusters of them for the upper stages. that gives me a total delta V in atmosphere of 8587, and a vacuum delta V of 9535. I think that is close to enough delta V to put something in orbit. But not quit... yet I know the got the bloody thing up there.....

EDIT: it had a Perigee 358 kilometers (222 mi) and an Apogee 2,550 kilometers (1,580 mi)

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