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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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Ok, so the Venus height map is done. I've got two versions, one which is just corrected and the other which has also been blurred to a small extent. The reason for blurring is because there are still quite a few areas where the resolution of the radar altimeter was degraded somewhat, leading to striping and jagged edges which the effect takes care of nicely, but also rounds off some of the slops that should be steeper. I haven't decided which to use just yet.

Starting to work on Mercury now...

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@ SpacedInvader: what planets have you completed to a level that they are ready for public testing, if any? I have been watching this topic and would love to start trying them out.

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  Aazard said:
@ SpacedInvader: what planets have you completed to a level that they are ready for public testing, if any? I have been watching this topic and would love to start trying them out.

Right now, I've got Mars, Venus, and the Moon just about ready for testing. None of them are perfect, but right now that's not really the point, as I want to release something quickly to give people something to explore and then will refine it all over time. That being said, I'm going to finish Mercury up to this level and then see if I can improve the Earth a little and then I'm going to release the inner four planets plus the Moon by tonight or tomorrow night. I'm going to offer both high resolution and low resolution versions as well.

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Awesome! looking forward to trying this out! guess i will be moving mack to the standard RSS from the pack by metaphor and sovereign, now that we will have more detail in the standard RSS. Not to be greedy, but have you got to the clouds yet, or will this be something worked on after? although i am sure the cloud layers by metaphor and sovereign could be adapted to this (as the inner planets are the same in-game bodies in both packages)

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  Aazard said:
Awesome! looking forward to trying this out! guess i will be moving mack to the standard RSS from the pack by metaphor and sovereign, now that we will have more detail in the standard RSS. Not to be greedy, but have you got to the clouds yet, or will this be something worked on after? although i am sure the cloud layers by metaphor and sovereign could be adapted to this (as the inner planets are the same in-game bodies in both packages)

Theoretically, this should work with any version of RSS that uses the Sol system. This is because all I'm really going to be providing at this point are higher resolution height maps based off of satellite topography data and correctly scaled for each planet and the color and normal maps associated with them. As such, you should be able to just swap the file names in your RSS config file and they should be good to go. That being said, In the next round of the planets and moons, I'm going to be working on the outer planets and their moons, which is going to be a lot more guesswork and a lot less application of data. That being said, I'm still going to be making those height maps in higher resolutions to enhance the surface appearance. At some point, depending on when Nathan finishes his work on the generic PQS loader, I'll be going back and tweaking all of the procedural terrain and land classes to properly match what is shown in the color maps and I guess the clouds are going to be in there somewhere too.

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The work that goes into KSP modding is astounding... imagine someone was paying for all the software and man hours used...yikes!

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Benoît: apologies for delay! Your issue is you're out of memory. Even though KSP isn't crashing, when RSS tries to load its giant textures, it fails. Try deleting some partmods or running ATM in even-more-aggressive mode (if basic, switch to aggressive; if aggressive, increase the divsior used).

KSC location is set every start of the game. So you can move it freely during saves (just, um, don't have anything on the pad or in the area at the time; it won't come with you, IIRC).

CSG, near Kourou, Guyane française, is here IRL:

Latitude = 5.2372

Longitude = -52.7606

You can check the last few (or maybe it was 10 ago?) pages of the Realistic Progression Lite thread for Ratzap's config for CSG.

SpacedInvader: the specularity is because planets default to being shiny. You will need to include a black alpha channel in your color texture to make it matte. See EarthColor.png to see how land is matte and ocean shiny (KSP usually uses alpha in a diffuse map for specularity, not opacity). Oceans only exist at the PQS level; at the scaledspace level there's just the planet and the oceans are painted on.

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Some success tonight.

The launch sites are saved in the RealSolarSystem.cfg file in a top level node; they only apply to Kerbin and I didn't want to confuse the RSS parser by overloading the Kerbin node. There's still some polishing up to do, but I'll probably finish it this weekend and do a pull request since all that's left is a minor bit of bugfixing and input feedback.

Obviously none of your craft will be carried along with it so I suppose that's going to cause some issues for certain players, but for me this is a neat role-playing feature. Anyway, the tequila is calling me to sleep so that's it for tonight.

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  NathanKell said:
SpacedInvader: the specularity is because planets default to being shiny. You will need to include a black alpha channel in your color texture to make it matte. See EarthColor.png to see how land is matte and ocean shiny (KSP usually uses alpha in a diffuse map for specularity, not opacity). Oceans only exist at the PQS level; at the scaledspace level there's just the planet and the oceans are painted on.

I'll add it in and see what happens. That being said, do you have any ideas on how to derive a height map from a 2D image? My original plan of creating a normal map of the photo mosaic and using the convert to height option is failing because all I get back is a crosshatch of white and black with some bumps buried in there that look like a heightmap, but are lost in the mix. I made some attempts to use the monochrome imagery, but its quite patchy, resulting in lots of blocky areas without much definition. Any thoughts about how to get around this?

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  regex said:
Some success tonight.

The launch sites are saved in the RealSolarSystem.cfg file in a top level node; they only apply to Kerbin and I didn't want to confuse the RSS parser by overloading the Kerbin node. There's still some polishing up to do, but I'll probably finish it this weekend and do a pull request since all that's left is a minor bit of bugfixing and input feedback.

Obviously none of your craft will be carried along with it so I suppose that's going to cause some issues for certain players, but for me this is a neat role-playing feature. Anyway, the tequila is calling me to sleep so that's it for tonight.

So I understand what's happening... your demonstration there was not just moving KSC to a mountain location, but you actually had two separate KSCs at two different locations, at the same time?

Oh, and your terrain edits to the .64 scale config look great, by the way. What few locations I've been to so far. :)

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Man, where were you guys during V6 pre when I started fiddling around with the PQS? Regardless, I noticed you practically updated RSS on GitHub to 6.1, oddly there's only a Mars height map (and complete moon). Are you planning to release like that or at least add a color map to go with it? It would be really weird looking at Duna from orbit then the terrain fades in and it's completely different.

Since this thread seems technical enough, could someone briefly explain how to build from a GitHub source? I have access to Ubuntu if needed. Specifically I want the RSS dll.

Edited by AndreyATGB
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  White Owl said:
So I understand what's happening... your demonstration there was not just moving KSC to a mountain location, but you actually had two separate KSCs at two different locations, at the same time?

The chooser window showed all of the launch sites I had defined in the config, but they don't "exist" at the same time; KSC actually gets moved when you switch.

  White Owl said:
Oh, and your terrain edits to the .64 scale config look great, by the way. What few locations I've been to so far. :)


  AndreyATGB said:
Since this thread seems technical enough, could someone briefly explain how to build from a GitHub source? I have access to Ubuntu if needed. Specifically I want the RSS dll.

I build on a Windows system, if that's that platform you're using.

Basically, download the source, download an IDE (I use Xamarin on Windows, it's ****, but quick and easy), create a project from the source in the IDE, ensure your references are correct and pointing to your KSP install, build the project, copy the dll to your KSP install.

http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Plugins might help.

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... I have been testing this mod because i had some trouble with it and i installed it a lot of times with different mods to see what was the problem but now i only have it installed and this happens:


I don´t know why do this happens, i played with this on 0.23 but now i can´t... i repeat: I ONLY have rss installed.

My question is have i installed this mod propertly?


Edited by manuelasa1999
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AFAIK that's because of the high-res textures. Resize the Earth images in PluginData and it should work fine.

@regex Thanks! I just downloaded Visual Studio and that seems to have worked fine. It made a dll larger than the one on here and it loads fine so I suppose it works.

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  AndreyATGB said:
@regex Thanks! I just downloaded Visual Studio and that seems to have worked fine. It made a dll larger than the one on here and it loads fine so I suppose it works.

I wouldn't worry too much about dll size, pretty sure that's just compiler options.

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this issue has popped up a few times on the forum, are you using the 8k or 2k earth normal map? If using the 8k switch to the 2k image. If your using the 2k image i'm abit stumped. You are using the active texture manager/compressor (you should be)? I dont think the resize size will matter as long as the image ratio is the same.

I think a note on the "red earth" issue warrants a mention on the OP, its shown up a few times that i've seen on this thread

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  manuelasa1999 said:
Can please someone help me?

Gimp or Photoshop. Probably not Paint. And don't bump for replies so soon; people will get to your request when they can get to your request and no sooner than is humanly possible.

Also, I think your final resolution has to be a multiple of... 8?

Just cut it in half and you should be fine.

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I just resized it by a half and now ksp crashes when i launch it, i resized the three images now images sizes are:

EarthColor: 4096x2048

EarthHeight: 4096x2048

EarthNRM: 1024x512

EDIT: Now KSP loads but KSC is in the middle of the sea... Help me!!

Edited by manuelasa1999
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  manuelasa1999 said:
I just resized it by a half and now ksp crashes when i launch it, i resized the three images now images sizes are:

EarthColor: 4096x2048

EarthHeight: 4096x2048

EarthNRM: 1024x512

EDIT: Now KSP loads but KSC is in the middle of the sea... Help me!!

have you try'ed resizing EarthNRM to 4096x2048 ? And are you using RT2 ?

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  manuelasa1999 said:
I just resized it by a half and now ksp crashes when i launch it, i resized the three images now images sizes are:

EarthColor: 4096x2048

EarthHeight: 4096x2048

EarthNRM: 1024x512

EDIT: Now KSP loads but KSC is in the middle of the sea... Help me!!

For the ocean problem take a look at this post: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55145-0-23-5-Real-Solar-System-v6-4-7-14?p=1075827&viewfull=1#post1075827

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