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Is there a way for Unmanned Satellites (As in not the active ship) to keep recording?


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This is more for the mods, Kethane and Interstellar mod.

I was wondering if there was a way to continue scanning the planets for Kethane even if the satellite isn't the active ship so that I can set up multiple satellites to do the task.. Similarly, Interstellar requires gathering it's own materials and I just don't like waiting around.

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As of now there is no known/possible way to do so.

But what I always wanted to know: Is every players Kethane map the same?

I watched a youtube video of someone having to rescan the Mun because of an update and his base was no longer in reach of a Kethane deposit - at least that is how I understood him.

Else could the maps not be copied over to have a completed scan available?

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Kethane map data is stored in the persistent and quicksave files. There is a debug setting for the mod to be able to reset the map individually for each body. It keeps the hexes you've scanned so the new deposits will appear instantly if they're in places already scanned.

I need to find how to do that and reset Kerbin's kethane.

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There IS a way to scan when a vessle is inactive, Majiir himself said it would not be that hard to code.....it would however be to resource intensive to be practical(this is the main reason why the game 'unloads' ships past a certain distance).

No, each kethane map is NOT the same, deposits are generated based of random seed when a new save game is created.

To enable debug mode open the 'settings.cfg' in your Kethane folder and add the line 'Debug = True' at the top. Debug functions are built into the mapscreen menu. If you need debug functions I would suggest removing the line from config when you are done, as I have had issues with the menu when leaving them active to long.

FYI: there are ways to complete scans much faster in real time (as in NOT mission time). Multiple scanners and high time warp gets the job done....I have done complete scans of kerbin (as in 90% or more hexes scaned) in under 15min real time), just be careful if using this method and any life support mod.

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No, each kethane map is NOT the same, deposits are generated based of random seed when a new save game is created.

Interesting - wonder what I would like better - any way to tell it to use a specific seed? (If it can be recovered it from a previous save that is ... )

Or copy the positions from one file to another?

Kethane map data is stored in the persistent and quicksave files. There is a debug setting for the mod to be able to reset the map individually for each body. It keeps the hexes you've scanned so the new deposits will appear instantly if they're in places already scanned.

To reveal the deposits for interstellar if the planet has already been scanned for Kethane?

FYI: there are ways to complete scans much faster in real time (as in NOT mission time). Multiple scanners and high time warp gets the job done....I have done complete scans of kerbin (as in 90% or more hexes scaned) in under 15min real time), just be careful if using this method and any life support mod.

You mean more "pings" per second in time warp to leave less gaps in the scan?

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  KerbMav said:

You mean more "pings" per second in time warp to leave less gaps in the scan?

Exactly, it also works because the scanners wont ping over each other, meaning once a hex is scanned the scanners will from then on ignore it.

With alot of power and ALOT of scanners its actually possible to scan at full time warp with almost no loss of per pass 'resolution' (no gaps).

That having been said, full resolution per pass, and in fact a fully scaned map, is almost pointless. At around 75% or so completion you should be able to find a spot in each deposit (all be it maybe not the best landing spot for each deposit).

Right now I dont think there is a whole lot you can do to direct the seed in how is spawns deposits....there are some variables, but nothing that allows you to say 'put X unit deposit at lat/long X'.....not now, but I do think Majiir is working on a much more complex deposit generation system.

Also, using debug to reveal deposits is NOT the same a scaning as it wont actually fill the hexes. If you had a planet fully scanned for Kethane and then installed another mod with resources you would have to rescan for said resource in order to get legit filled in hexes on the map.

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Afaik, kethane only stores some kind of "is scanned" flag per hex. That's the reason why all scanned cells do always show up-to-date data.

Ofc you can copy the seed of an old save into your current worlds save file and the kethane deposits should be where they were in your first save. You might have to make sure you have matching data for the amount of kethane in deposits as well.

The problem with inactive scanning and scanning at high timewarp is, that this would require an easy / efficient way to calculate what area has been scanned in a specified time period. I don't even want to think about all the math involved^^

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+1 for ships/probes to continue scanning or doing whatever job they're intended for while not the focused ship.

It may be resource intensive, but there's GOT to be a way to make it workable. I mean, isn't that the whole point of sending out multiple missions simultaneously? Having to actually have a craft focused impedes the implementation of a 'real' space program here.

PLEASE Squad. Please figure this out.

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  artao said:
+1 for ships/probes to continue scanning or doing whatever job they're intended for while not the focused ship.

It may be resource intensive, but there's GOT to be a way to make it workable. I mean, isn't that the whole point of sending out multiple missions simultaneously? Having to actually have a craft focused impedes the implementation of a 'real' space program here.

PLEASE Squad. Please figure this out.

There is a tipping point to things like this I think your not considering. Usage VS how much it adds to gameplay. Dont get me wrong, id love to use my GPS sats to resource scan, all at once. But if ya look at it objectivly it really wouldnt add much in a gameplay sense past this. Because of this very small gameplay gain it makes the usage gain to implement it not worthwhile.

Esp at this time, still with 32bit client, and RAM usage such a tight game, esp for mod users....

Its not that no one has figured it out, as i posted before, Majiir said it would be very possible...but no one that could implement this thinks its worthwhile.

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