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Ksp horror story


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so i was just playing a modded career game, and attempting to land on the moon with bobcats Soyuz. All was going well (apart from the pitiful thrust which ONLY just got me down in one piece) and managed to land with only 2 units of fuel left. yea i need to send a recovery team, hopefully Jeb has enough snacks. anyway, in my eagerness for my first manual mun landing, i quickly EVA'd bob, planted a flag, performed some science, then had a little walk around. I jumped back in, again realizing i had no fuel, i decided to EVA Jebediah and out he jumped, i didn't have any ladders so i just jumped off of the 3 meter tall capsule, but his jetpack didn't work and he slammed into the ground. Here's were it got very weird. i couldn't control him, he started flailing around madly, not responding to anything, and the screen went completely black. i thought " well damn, another kraken" but not this time. the sound clip of an explosion started to repeat and all that was left on the blank screen was the altitude meter, quickly randomizing numbers until it stopped at '666666'. And all of this just happened at 20 past 1. In the morning. And i'm home alone locking all the doors. Has anyone else had such a scary kraken experience before?

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Oh dear, it's still around. This happened to me when I landed a large ship on the moon. As I was getting all 21 kerbals to EVA so I could take a screenshot it happened. This messed up my save :(. Worst of all, the time I spent trying to eva all 21 kerbals went to waste.

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no I have not, should I, for someone who can't stand space-plosions and such, is it worth it?

i have heard literally nothing about it besides the fact it's on the moon.

It's one of those conspiracy theory movies, like 2013. The conspiracy is that NASA sent more moon missions than the public is aware of, and encountered alien life on the moon.

It starts out pretty creepy, but then starts doing a low gravity shuffle toward Hollywood horror toward the last third. If you've seen Europa Report, you've pretty much seen Apollo 18. >_>

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Yup, literally just happened to me a few seconds ago, half way to gilly. Hence, I am viewing this thread and staring disapprovingly at the Kerbal on the KSP Icon...

I'm not angry little guy. I'm just very disappointed. :mad:

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It's still Alpha, so there's bound to be a few game breakers.

I did a 6+ km walking EVA on the mun (mismanaged my jetpack fuel) and came back to Kelzor (who was waiting by the lander) in a zombie like position and unable to do any walking animations. I could move him, but couldn't get him up the ladder because of his peculiar shape. Made it in the end by jetpacking to the door.

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