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Really glitchy building

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Hey, Ive noticed that the building on KSP has gotten buggier and buggier, to the point that if i try to build anything larger than 500 parts it breaks.

Here is what happens; it doesn't register as a crash in-game and there is no output log.

1) try to place a part; even though it's green it won't let me place it.

2)when i put the part down in midair, if i try to grab it again it picks up the whole ship and moves it around

3) sometimes, it will pick up the part but it looks like it's whole (not opaque anymore) and frames drop to 1 FPS, followed by (if you hit load ship and load one) black screen and game freeze.

What is going on here? and it happens both with and without part clipping.

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For 1) : When placing parts with symmetry setting 2 or more, in the first try main part will shown green but symmetry copies will be red. And that part can't be placed. Solutions is to move part on some other part and then back or move it on another symmetry placement point. And all parts should change to green. Usually.

Building large structures is impossible because there will be moment when some fueltank or rocket will not want to be placed on/under the most obvious decoupler. Instead that part will keep jumping between every near rocket part and usually rotating 90 degrees.

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And which mods do support low memory usage.

I'm playing since 0.16 on my notebook so it could be finally useful to know ;)

Always laggy over 130 Parts haha,

so it's sometimes even better for me using lesser and inefficient parts than lighter once.

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Hey, Ive noticed that the building on KSP has gotten buggier and buggier, to the point that if i try to build anything larger than 500 parts it breaks.

Here is what happens; it doesn't register as a crash in-game and there is no output log.

1) try to place a part; even though it's green it won't let me place it.

2)when i put the part down in midair, if i try to grab it again it picks up the whole ship and moves it around

3) sometimes, it will pick up the part but it looks like it's whole (not opaque anymore) and frames drop to 1 FPS, followed by (if you hit load ship and load one) black screen and game freeze.

What is going on here? and it happens both with and without part clipping.


i have the same problem... havent played for a long time and i saw an update, downloaded it and tryed the game... had som old addons installed... Uninstalled the hole game and tryed again with a clean install and STILL the same problem... needs a fix ASAP!! (and i only put out 2 parts and this happens.. cant load the ship if i save it to start build on it again.. cant move it or put new parts on it.. its like a picture of what i created... cant fly it...) FIX YOUR GAME!! not playing for a wile again then^^

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