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Our chance to take a name in the sky!


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Kerbals all over the Unikerse! Stay while, and listen!

We have an option to give the name to some space body within our solar system!

There are two asteroids, which Vishnu Reddy had discovered in 2003 year:

2003 FB 122 and 2003 FC 122

Now he started the campaign to gather name proposal for those celestial bodies!

It is our chance to place Kerbin up there.

I personally invite you to take part in voting. If enough people would vote for name "Kerbin", i suppose KSP will have its own memorial up in the sky, where it leads us.

I think, for the project that started like a video game, but acquired a status of best rocketry science simulator and mentioned by NASA, it is great honor to have a mark in the noble space.

Fill in the query to propose your name for asteroid. And let this name be Kerbin.

Let's take our place in the Universe. Let's make a mark in the infinity of space. Let's build a statue for the glory our valued SQUAD. Let's do it.

Tell everyone about this thread. We are power together.

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I suppose any words from your heart will fit. We should not use the same description, because then it will look like spam attack.

I have used something like:

"Kerbin" is the name for fictional planet in video game called Kerbal Space Program.

Actually this game has become a great learning tool, which attracts more and more people to learn more about astronomy and rocket science.

This name is an honor for project which tryes to make people think about space scientific way.

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Mainly because Kerbin is the most-known body ingame, and Dres is barely visited by around 30% of players, as I see it.

So Kerbin is like a business card of KSP. That's why I supposed it would be better.

P.S. Thinking about the sizes, it should be called Pol then.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

UP: Next week will be last, where suggestions are still accepted. I will "UP" this thread no more until the end of december, when winners will be chosen. Anyway, either we take our place or not, I will place winning names here, just FYI.

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;734649']Kerbals all over the Unikerse! Stay while' date=' and listen!

We have an option to give the name to some space body within our solar system!

There are two asteroids, which Vishnu Reddy had discovered in 2003 year:

2003 FB 122 and 2003 FC 122

Now he started the campaign to gather name proposal for those celestial bodies!

It is our chance to place Kerbin up there.

I personally invite you to take part in voting. If enough people would vote for name "Kerbin", i suppose KSP will have its own memorial up in the sky, where it leads us.

I think, for the project that started like a video game, but acquired a status of best rocketry science simulator and mentioned by NASA, it is great honor to have a mark in the noble space.

Fill in the query to propose your name for asteroid. And let this name be Kerbin.

Let's take our place in the Universe. Let's make a mark in the infinity of space. Let's build a statue for the glory our valued SQUAD. Let's do it.

Tell everyone about this thread. We are power together.

If we are sucessful, we need a kerbin terraforming and genetic engineering program to recretate kerbin.

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  • 1 month later...

Another update on this, winners are delayed a little bit, I asked man in charge about dates, and here is the reply:

Dear Vasilev,

thanks for your email. We received more than 1500 suggestions, so it is taking us a bit longer to go through all entries.

We hope to announce the winner around the end of January.

Best regards,



So, fingers (still) crossed, stay tuned. ;)

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