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Don't like Career Mode

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I must say I was pretty angry when I saw your post... but those are some good points.

1. I have faith that squad will add more sensors, thats just a logical expansion to the game

2. Would you like the biome scheme more if it were smaller so that rovers, and maybe further ones airplanes, were required? I like having a reason to go to more than just one place on the mun or kerbin, currently they are still to big for rovers unless you land on the border to explore 2.

3. I SOOOO agree that more science/experience opportunities should be added for complex maneuvers. good point

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I think the current science is badly balanced (too much comes from Kerbin's biomes and then too little comes from other planets), but I can't tell if that's just from the fact that the current implementation was a first go and Kerbin and the Mun were all that were going to have biomes for now, or if that will continue being true in the future (that you can almost max your tech tree before leaving Kerbin).

To be clear, simply adding biomes to other worlds wouldn't fix the fact that there's enough science on Kerbin itself to not NEED to go anywhere else, unless the value for Kerbin's biomes was devalued, or the total cost of tech tree unlockings was increased as more biomes get added.

And on another unrelated point: Why are they called biomes? There's no life on the Mun. "Biome" is a term that describes a biological terrain, as in "grassland", "jungle", "desert", etc. That's why it has the root term "bio" in it. It's not a term used to describe geological terrain (mountain, crater, valley, etc).

Maybe they just borrowed the term from Minecraft, which also uses it in the same sort of not-quite-correct way.

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Did you really just say that the only difference between the Wright Flyer and an X-15 is that the X-15 is more expensive?

yup, just has he said that the only difference between a 1 cubic meter fuel tank and a 10 cubic meter fuel tank is cost.

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I am sure that this has been said in this forum somewhere, but my major issue with career mode is that Struts (aka space-tape) are so high in the tech tree. Struts are there to (sort of) solve what I feel is a fundamental design flaw in the games physics and that flaw is the 'wobble'. (The fact that this wobble can then be seemingly fixed with a simple mod that scales the node connection force with the size of the node does indeed tell me its a simple design flaw that is easily fixable and a flaw, not a bug or limitation or even an oversight).

Overall I am not happy with the design of the tech-tree in general, but I understand that its there to help teach new players a bit more about all the parts of KSP. I can totally bite off on that, if this part that was made as an answer to this game flaw was available at Tech0 or Tech1.

(Yes, I am aware I can just edit the part file and move it lower, but to me, thats breaks my weird and twisted, mostly hypocritical, self-imposed, 'no-cheating' rules.)

Edited by Haze-Zero
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I don't think there's a need to bump up that topic. Career mode is definitively in its infancy and the devs probably only unlocked it to show what they are working on.

We don't know 1/10th of how it's going to be when "budget/economy" is introduced, And we know the transmission logic is being entirely redone. So at that point this topic won't bring up anything new.

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About the only thing I don't like about Career mode is how long it takes to get decent plane parts. You're telling me that Kerbals researched rocket engines and solid rocket boosters before they thought about jets, wings, or landing gear? I know they're space-crazy, but it'd take some of the sting out of my earlier missions where there's a lot of one-way trips because I can't think of a safe way to bring them home again.

I never lost a kerbal all through career mode... You can land them safely at all times (maybe tricky if you choose a different unlock sequence than I did, causing you to miss out on decouplers and/or bigger parachutes).

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