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[PLUGIN+PARTS][0.23] SCANsat terrain mapping


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Don't know haven't try'ed that but that,Might be tricky for KMP there as to be a server and are the maps stored on the server ?

The mapping data (actually the areas you've scanned -- the maps themselves are regenerated when you ask for them) is stored in the persistence file. So if somebody else does the map scan in KMP, it wouldn't be saved in your persistence file. If you do the scan, it should be saved.

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I can make SCANsat trigger more animations. I just don't have anything I can test it with. If you release your part then I will have something :)

I uploaded the part and added a link over in my parts thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64755-WIP-DMagic-Orbital-Science-New-Science-Parts-V0-4-1-%281-19-2014%29

I included a plugin that controls all of the animations. The scanner function works without the plugin, but none of the animations will.

The code is a bit messy, but right now the main deploy animation will open the part and start the dish spinning. The lights can also be triggered manually, but don't do anything otherwise. There are some issues with triggering the light animations before or during the main deploy animation, so wait until the part is fully open and the dish is spinning before you try to play with those.

I included the .cs file in the zip. It's all pretty well annotated, so it should be easy enough to follow.

The part has a different name in the .cfg file, so it won't interfere with the old BTDT part, but it also won't be backward compatible with existing crafts.

Let me know if this is working right for everybody else, or if there are any issues.

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THX DMagic , I like using the radio plasma wave antenna for my RT2 antenna nice parts.:D

EDIT was hoping to put it on the end of the boom but no go. ;.;

Do you mean just adding one part on top of the other? I think some weirdness about moving attachment nodes makes that really hard to do.

But I'm actually remaking the magnetometer to deal with some issues with the model, animation and texture usage, and to add more detail. I'll see about making an alternate version with an antenna at the end of the boom, similar to the one use by the Galileo probe, I'll try to put both experiments on it, but you could also add the RT2 module.

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I'm connecting to the same server and game (mine). I'm doing the scans myself. Maybe it thinks every connection is a new game?

That's what, I'm thinking.

There was a post about it and some one said but don't remember and still looking for the post.

Edited by Mecripp2
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Ok so where are the maps for a session stored so I can investigate?

They're stored in a SCENARIO inside the persistent.sfs file for a particular save. There'll be a separate Body block for each celestial object you've scanned. Look for a section like this:

name = SCANcontroller
scene = 7
colours = 0
map_markers = True
map_flags = True
map_orbit = True
map_grid = True
projection = 0
map_width = 0
map_x = 100
map_y = 50
anomalyMarker = ✗
closeBox = ✖
legend = False
scan_background = True
timeWarpResolution = 20
Name = Kerbin
Disabled = False
Map = CAABAAAA-----0AHQAAAB0AIAQICIAoAaCAJALQgBwAAQAzg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDg-wDgawABAAs_

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I saw that but I thought it was for something else because how are you meant to orbit at 5km? XD

(I might be being incredibly dumb)

Also why is this happening to my display (parts of them seem to be the old GUI)


Pretty much a rover part. and do you have the MapTraq part on the craft ?

And not sure about that yellow line on the map.

Edited by Mecripp2
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Hah! Good question. I got so fixated on your altitude that I missed that part of your original query. I've never had a situation where the minimap wasn't updating unless the sensors were out of range.

I have had weirdness where the sensors would report being out of range, even though they weren't. For instance, I was doing an altimetry scan of Duna the other night at an almost perfectly circular 750km polar orbit, but my SAR sensor kept blinking out as I passed over the poles. Reducing my altitude to 725km solved the problem. I have no idea what could have caused that.

My only other issues with this mod are 1) I'd really like it to use Blizzy's toolbar, and 2) the settings are never retained.

BTW: I used ModuleManager to add Maptraq to all my spacecraft. If you already have ModuleManager installed, just stick a file named something like 'add-maptraq.cfg' in your GameData with this code:

//enables SCANSat MapTraq on all pods and probes//
name = SCANsat
sensorType = 0
fov = 0
min_alt = 0
max_alt = 0
best_alt = 0
power = 0.01

Tried this, but it didn't worked for me here. MapTraq is installed and running...

I still have this gray small map.

Is it possible, that it might have to do something with the fact, that I deleted the older low-res map before starting this new one?


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Tried this, but it didn't worked for me here. MapTraq is installed and running...

I still have this gray small map.

Is it possible, that it might have to do something with the fact, that I deleted the older low-res map before starting this new one?


Think You are out of range.


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