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KMP v0.1.5.1 [0.23] [alpha] [inactive]


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WARNING FOR LINUX USERS: A bug with Unity/KSP as of 0.21.1 causes keyboard input to be picked up by

your vessel even when you a typing in a text box. Be sure you are on the Map View before

participating in chat to prevent accidents!

That's what I'm used to, I don't mind actually, it's just a minor bug really. = )

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On the client side, I often cannot get back to the Space Center, and can't use buttons anymore, forcing me to restart KSP.

I've seen that in pre-release testing--please dump KSP's log on GitHub if you can, and note what you were doing at the time (especially if near other active players). I'm willing to bet there's a large pile of NullReferenceException's in the logs...

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No one going to try and find out the problem with spaceport? No? Alright, good to know that people don't like helping others >.>

Oh come on, like you HAVE to be rescued within a minute? Do you want the server or client version? And if you want Squad to fix SpacePort, just help them by describing what's wrong ;)

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Well, It's only this file that I'm having problems with, and it's the server file. And I've posted for help about a page ago, and then didn't get noticed until someone said: "Spaceport being spaceport I guess" and that's all I got >.> It's a pretty big thing to not have working downloads... just saying >.>

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Here's a suggestion: Maybe reduce the protection range to somewhere you can interact on the island base.

I'd like to do that (most especially when I noticed how close to the edge it was during "bubble testing"), but there's a few other technical obstacles that get in the way right now. Hopefully doable for a future version.

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got a server crash.

One of the users (Nick) seems to be crashing the server whenever he enters it

(p.s. link github pls, lost the link)

Also, I sometimes DC from server when typing something in chat from Idle or just from KSC screen

Edited by Queril
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