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KMP v0.1.5.1 [0.23] [alpha] [inactive]


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Jumba manages it manually for now, Post a thread on reddit (http://www.reddit.com/r/KMP/), and ask to be added. If I had to take a punt at it, I'd say KMP needs on average 15kb/s per client both ways but it varies between players that are idle in the VAB and players that are surrounded by debris (or uploading screenshots).

If you do make it on the list feel free to join us on IRC - Most of the server admins (and devs) hang out there. It's handy to keep in touch ;)


I'll attempt to explain this in simple terms:

For the actual KMPServer setup:

On the first (public) server, you would just "/start" as normal.

On the second (private) server, you would type (for example):

/set port 2077

/set httpPort 8082


Now for the not so easy bit:

If you are not hosting a server for your local network and want to be open to the internet, you will need to a) Port forward, or B) Have the real internet IP address inside your computer.

a) The best I can do is point you to http://www.portforward.com. Pick a router that is close to your model if it's not there (the same brand is usually enough to figure it out), and pick any application - But use TCP and UDP ports 2076, 8081 (first server)

B) This is unlikely and also insecure - but it's how I have my internet set up at the moment. This usually involves running a modem in bridge mode (or if you are in australia - connecting an NBN NTD straight to your computer).

My basic explanation is this:

With IPv4 addresses, The public address usually lives on the modem. Any internet computer trying to access your KMPServer will end up at the modem, and the modem will say "I'm not running a KMPServer" and close the connection. If you port forward, the modem knows it should pass the connections to a computer on your local network, and then your KMP server will work for internet addresses.


The good news:

With IPv6, port forwarding does simply not exist. Every computer has a real public IP and one day port forwarding will be forgotten, Although you might have to allow the port in your firewall...

The bad news:

Having an IPv6 address is beyond rare because ISP's are slack - I have to use a tunnel broker. Here's a IPv6 link to my dodgy* build server, too bad you won't be able to see anything :(http://[2001:470:d:9f7::1]:82/kmp

EDIT: IPv6 in KMP does not work on windows, I'll tackle this after the server lagging bug (seen as chat lag) is solved. It *should* work but there is something funny going on inside of KSP.


EDIT 2: Removed forwarding ports because I realised you also want to run a lan server.

Edited by godarklight
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Thanks Vlad, Johannes, and godarklight. I keep running into a problem where port 8081 is in use by the other instance of KMP. This might be because I am not running a second copy of KMP in a second copy of KSP. I suppose I need to do this first.

I understand port forwarding, and I guess I was misunderstood. To make my question more clear: I am curious as to whether or not I need to change 8081 on the second instance of KMP to use something else. Will changing this port prevent client and server from communicating whatever is sent through that port? Clients can change the port they connect to from 2076 to a different port with the client easily, but what about 8081? If I change KMP to use an alt port for that port, will clients need to do the same to communicate back with KMP Server - if at all? What is the purpose of that port for KMP? I know its a http port, but what is it used for? Outbound from KMP Sever only?

I'd really like to get in on the IRC channel. I aim to be running a server full time and dig into helping make this community grow. I'll post in reddit shortly as kspinigma introducing the server.

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is there away for admin to limit how meny ships can be launched per person or debri field limit.

another idea was people parking at the vab or parking inside the bubble . would desync or unloading those help frame rate on the server

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The HTTP port is not used by KMP clients and is completely optional, you can either change the port or turn it off:

/set httpPort 8082

/set httpBroadcast false

@jay1_1: A player vessel limit doesn't exist in KMP (at least yet). However, most servers tackle debris with auto dekessler, which deletes debris older than 30 minutes, every 30 minutes:

/set autoDekessler true

The clients wont send vessel updates and ships in the safety bubble won't be loaded.

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The HTTP port is not used by KMP clients and is completely optional, you can either change the port or turn it off:

/set httpPort 8082

/set httpBroadcast false

@jay1_1: A player vessel limit doesn't exist in KMP (at least yet). However, most servers tackle debris with auto dekessler, which deletes debris older than 30 minutes, every 30 minutes:

/set autoDekessler true

The clients wont send vessel updates and ships in the safety bubble won't be loaded.

What does KMP server use the http broadcast port 8081 for?

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Ah crap, yeah I meant seconds; further down in my post I correctly said seconds. Thanks for catching that.

Any chance you can try the same situation with the same craft in single player and see if you still have the same issue? I wasn't sure if it was coming from KMP or a problem with KSP itself. I think I notice the physics stutter when the lag happens in single player, but it's not so pronounced....or my eyes and ears are just playing tricks on me.

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Any chance you can try the same situation with the same craft in single player and see if you still have the same issue? I wasn't sure if it was coming from KMP or a problem with KSP itself. I think I notice the physics stutter when the lag happens in single player, but it's not so pronounced....or my eyes and ears are just playing tricks on me.

It's absolutely not the case without KMP. I've done plenty of docking with -much- bigger stations than this little test platform and at most my framerate drops, but it remains consistent. For example I never see RCS thruster particles explode to the size of my ship as happens several times in my video above, which is a clear sign of the game just completely locking up for a second.

Low but consistent framerate I can deal with; Complete lookups every few seconds are much more difficult.

Edited by JohannesMP
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It's absolutely not the case without KMP. I've done plenty of docking with -much- bigger stations than this little test platform and at most my framerate drops, but it remains consistent. For example I never see RCS thruster particles explode to the size of my ship as happens several times in my video above, which is a clear sign of the game just completely locking up for a second.

Low but consistent framerate I can deal with; Complete lookups every few seconds are much more difficult.

Heck, I had the same issue just being EVA. Even the jetpack and walking around was giving me issues. The odd thing was I didn't have issues until I started building big rockets and bases. It felt like it was tied to loaded part count in the area.

What I've noted in single player that prompted my question to you is that the flames from the engines stutter at about the same rate as the KMP issue we both ahve, but only slightly. It's not the huge second long stop and physics catch up that we both experience in KMP. It's split second lag with split second physics catch up. Barely noticed until I was trying to compare the KMP stutter to any single player problems I was having. It was only on huge part count ships in single player though...and with tons of thrust. Rotating a pod/probe I couldn't spot it.

To me it almost seemed like KMP was exaggerating an issue already in KSP...but there's really no evidence of it, just a guess on my part. :)

Edited by Vladthemad
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@inigma: It's just a status page, if you are running the server locally you can visit to check what it says. The unofficial server list scrapes that page for info if you have requested to join it.

@Splendid: To be listed on the server list, open a thread on reddit; http://www.reddit.com/r/KMP. Jumba should pick it up ;)

Keep in mind that list is mainly for 24/7 servers, and you want to consider bandwith requirements (around 30kb/s per player I think).

@JohannesMP: I've noticed the RCS jet burst as well, It comes from the game locking up for a complete second. KMP currently overrides the frame_delta_limit setting, This should/will be removed for 0.1.6 and the game should run just as fast as it does in single player *crosses fingers*.

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Question regarding saved ships: How can I take a ship I've made in career mode and load it in my sandbox multiplayer game? On the same note, how can I take a saved ship file from the internet and load it in multiplayer sandbox.

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Question regarding saved ships: How can I take a ship I've made in career mode and load it in my sandbox multiplayer game? On the same note, how can I take a saved ship file from the internet and load it in multiplayer sandbox.

The files are kept in .../Kerbal Space Program/saves/(your save game name here)/Ships/(VAB or SPH here)/(whatever you called your ship here).craft

The KMP folder under the save directory is where the KMP ships are stored in the same way.

Just go into one directory and copy the .craft file to the other and it will show up. If I remember correctly, you can even do this while in the game.

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@JohannesMP: I've noticed the RCS jet burst as well, It comes from the game locking up for a complete second. KMP currently overrides the frame_delta_limit setting, This should/will be removed for 0.1.6 and the game should run just as fast as it does in single player *crosses fingers*.

Excellent, really hope that fixes it since that made accurate docking a huge pain

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For you admins of 24/7 servers, I am willing to share free subdomains of kerbalcentral.com to point to your box such as


Just shoot me a pm with your server addy and your preferred subdomain and if I can confirm connection, I'll set you up.

In the meantime, would someone be willing to help me develop an auto-maintained KMP server list at servers.kerbalcentral.com for kmp server admins since Jumba seems to be afk?

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Spazer.net Kerbal Multi Player Server Information

***** Update 1/23/2014 12:15 PM CST ******

All Servers are currently down due to a TimeWarner network issue.

All Servers expected to be restored at approximately 6:00 PM CST.



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@godarklight: I'm in the process of setting up the new version, and decided to whitelist dlls. Some dlls have underscores, like ModuleManager_1_5_6.dll. Do I need to change those to periods the same way I need to in the parts name section of the KMPModControl file?

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@inigma, If you're thinking php/mysql, then I'd be able to help easily. Catch me on IRC tomorrow :)

I would take you up on the nameserver offer but I have a dynamic ipv4 but a static ipv6.

I would welcome any help with setting up a server list.

Regarding a KC subdomain, do you already have a dynamically maintained DNS for your server? If so, a CNAME for a subdomain at kerbalcentral.com could simply repoint traffic to your server. If you don't have your own dynamic dns setup up, fear not. I've PMmed you details (edit: which i've included below). I'll see you on IRC and we'll talk more if need.

Essentially any dynamic server admin that wants a KerbalCentral.com subdomain redirect, simply sign up at noip.com and then install, configure, and run ddclient from a linux vmware box to update your noip DNS automatically. Share with me that noip dns and I'll create a subdomain.kerbalcentral.com for you (you choose) as a CNAME record, and bam, you've got a nice kerbalized DNS for your dynamic KMP server such as yourservernamehere.kerbalcentral.com :)

Server admins that want a kerbalcentral.com addy will be invited in the future to get an kerbalcentral.com account and maintain their own server discussion there for support if desired. KC is a project offered for free to the community.

Edited by inigma
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My Previous Tests:

Yet another attempt at a local orbit rendezvous, this time with two identical craft launched at the exact same time on two local clients



Issues listed in the video

  1. Ships are not synced correctly in atmo (issue report)
  2. A client will sometimes see multiple copies of a ship that aren't actually there (issue report)
  3. Reverting to Space Center from space will make the craft appear to be on the launchpad
  4. "Player #1 client_1 has disconnected: Connection lost" (issue report)
  5. When coming out of warp with another ship in close proximity, your client will sometimes cause the other ship to explode and sync debris back to the server (issue report)
  6. Using the tracking station (while in close proximity to a ship on the same orbit as you) can shift your orbit by 40km (issue report)

No video analysis this time, since I actually bothered to add subtitles and edit it down to a manageable time.

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