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KMP v0.1.5.1 [0.23] [alpha] [inactive]


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Is there a way to fix the saving error (missing science/r'n'd after reconnecting without closing the game) yet?

There is a fix which hasn't been compiled, yet: http://pastebin.com/dpreNqPR

Is this being released soon?

Edit: fix is comming with - whenever the release is happening.

Edited by Rawbowke
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Ok, I was just having a look at the Roll Kage mod, and I saw that the part names not use underscores or periods, but actually use spaces, i.e.:

name = RolleKage Kerchelin Extreme

What am I supposed to do in that case? Will that blow the mind of KMP?!? Is a mod creator not supposed to use spaces? ERMAHGERD!!! Hah. It's not a heavy requirement to be able to use this mod, although the idea of monster truck racing with my friends was appealing.

As an addition, I'm currently testing the B9 pack, as well as many others. So far KMP is handling them correctly. I'll post a list of the required text for the mods list file when I've tested them a bit more. The biggest pain so far for me has been entering all that data by hand...small though it is compared to the actual creation of KMP I'm sure ;) Thanks for the excellent work btw!

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Is there a way to fix the saving error (missing science/r'n'd after reconnecting without closing the game) yet?

There is a fix which hasn't been compiled, yet: http://pastebin.com/dpreNqPR

Is this being released soon?

Edit: fix is comming with - whenever the release is happening.

I think I had the same issue a few pages back...if I'm reading you correctly. There's a dev build that takes care of what you're talking about...if what you're talking about is what I think you're talking about. Hah. Check godarklight's sig for the dodgy build server.

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Every time I try to launch a rocket with KWR tanks (I know it's the tanks because I used batteries from KW for a ground comms probe), it says "Can't start flight - Vessel has prohibited parts. Sorry!" My two other friends who go on the server were able to launch a rocket fine with the parts. I'm not entirely sure which parts are giving me trouble, because I was able to control a vessel with a Griffon engine on it, and launch a probe with the huge battery packs, but the only other parts I've used were the fuel tanks - and I couldn't launch the rocket that had them. Looking a few pages back, someone said to delete the parts list file in the KerbalMultiPlayer folder, but it's not there. Am I missing something? I'm using the exact same version of KW Rocketry as the server has, but it still doesn't work.

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@Rawbowke: From what I understand, soonish. We haven't talked about release dates but the 100% server cpu thing is kind of important - and I believe the only thing left (which is assigned to me, but others can poke it too).

@mnau, For some reason the frame_dt setting was getting overridden in KMP. I've removed this with my ntp-sync branch, so that's probably something for 0.1.6. Also: all servers are probably sufferring from the 100% cpu thing, which you experience as 3 minutes of chat lag and kicking everyone who doesn't lead the subspace (which I'm also going to fix in my ntp branch)

@Vladthemad, Haven't had much experience with mods (especially any with spaces) before, but give them a try. You never know :)

Yay for dodgy* build servers (You guys may want to read the fine print down the bottom).

@lumpman2: In 0.1.5 the server controls the mods but doesn't actually use them. See if your friends can launch the parts, and if possible compare any differences with GameData.

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@lumpman This is probably a missed line in allowed mods config, especially if that's the only part that doesn't work in the mod. Best bet if your friends have it working and you don't, get a copy of the file from them.

@godarklight Re: fine print, aka catching krakens..I'm still having issues with Jeb, who must be a damn Wizard. I sent him to Minimus to do some SCIENCE!!!! and just as he steps out of the capsule and begins his decent down the ladder my client hangs. After an ctrl-alt-delete and an end process, when I logged back in he was nowhere to be seen. His capsule was there, but no trace of him can be found. Maybe it was ancient aliens?!?!

As an interesting side footnote...I sent up one Chadwin Kerman in a poorly designed lander/sat combo to Minimus. After a poor launch and an iffy Hohmann transfer, he detached the sat over Minimus but forgot to turn on the RemoteTech2 equipment, so the sat was inop. After much maneuvering to get close to the sat again, Chadwin had to make two separate long distance EVA's to the sat. First to activate the comms dish, and the another because he forgot to focus the dish on Kerbin the first time around. Afterward, he was to descend to Minimus. A problem arose when it was found he no longer had electrical power for ASAS and was out of monopropellant!!! Steering only by main engines is a very precarious situation when descending to a planet! The craft was certainly doomed if he didn't abort the landing and return to Kerbin. In remembrance of the MIA Jeb and all his exploits, he decided to attempt a highly risky maneuver. He aligned his craft as best he could to just overshoot the craft that Jeb had originally vanished from...again not easy on main engines alone. As he hurtled a few hundred meters over the site of the disappearance, he bailed out and used his jetpack to land safely three meters from the abandoned capsule. His original ship exploding spectacularly about 500 meters away as it slammed into the surface of Minimus moments later. He gathered up the SCIENCE!!!! that Jeb had abandoned, finished what was left, and made the return trip to Kerbin in Jeb's original capsule.

My only regrets are not filming it...and not knowing where the Hell Jeb is.

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@Vladthemad, This story would make a good bug report. I'll look into it when I'm home. Also I mean the fine print on my build server page down the bottom. I really must pick a different colour scheme...

@Figglezworth, I nearly guarentee that it will work. Someone launched FAR parts on the dev server during Dev server is supposed to be stock :/

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@Vladthemad, This story would make a good bug report. I'll look into it when I'm home. Also I mean the fine print on my build server page down the bottom. I really must pick a different colour scheme...

@Figglezworth, I nearly guarentee that it will work. Someone launched FAR parts on the dev server during Dev server is supposed to be stock :/

FAR parts? But FAR doesn't add parts. It just ads functionality. I'm adding B9 right now, but I don't know how to install FAR (on the server). Anyone? Do I copy paste the FAR files into the server folder? Or does it even need to be on the server?

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@Figglezworth: Far must use modulemanager then to edit the base control parts and stock control surfaces. Either way "FAR ships" won't load correctly when changing back to stock.

Disclaimer: I haven't used FAR :-/

Also, I understand setting up the server can be a little tricky to set up for some, so I've attempted to document it (But haven't quite completed it and I don't think it contains enough humour in it).


Scroll down to TL;DR, It's worth reading, then mods is right under that :)

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@godarklight: Ok that's it. Clearly ancient aliens from the History Channel are kidnapping Jeb, probing him for his badass gene and returning him. He showed back up, but this time in the roster luckily, and not standing in an empty crater on the moon. I assume when he was on the ladder and I crashed out, it just deleted him and stuck him back in the roster...is that likely?

Ok wtf...I just logged back in after a long trouble ridden mission to get an extraplanetary launchpad to Minimus, and guess what I find? My lander can crewed by the freshly returned Jeb...which isn't odd in and of itself because he flew it up there. But guess who's standing outside that lander can as well? FRIGGING JEB!!!! Those aliens and their gene splicing have cloned him!!!!

@Figglezworth: I think there is, or was a FAR parts mod by the same creator...possibly creating confusion. As far as the aerodynamic mod, from what I've played with so far you'd only need it clientside. There aren't any plugins serverside. will it work? Tough to tell. So far everything I've added works, parts will work without problems, others that change the gameplay like remote tech 2, KAS, Kethane, et. al. are working fine. I haven't tried anything that changes the physics, but I'd venture a guess and say it should work too. Unless the server is using the white list for plugins, I think you could even use it on all KMP servers. Of course if you are using it and other players are not, you're game will be a lot more difficult than theirs! Worst case scenario you just uninstall it.

The biggest difficulty I've had so far is going through all the mods I've installed and adding the parts name to the parts whitelist. If you're playing with just your friends on a server like I am, you don't really need to worry about the other ways of restricting mods. Most of that is to keep the cheaters from cheating with their cheaty space hacks!

Which reminds me, here are the sections you need to add to KMPModControl.txt for the mods I'm using. Maybe we should start a list to consolidate everything everyone is using to make it easier for others to use the same?

For Aviation Lights:








For Engineer Redux:




For Extraplanetary Launchpads:




























For Hooligan Labs Pads for Extraplanetary Launchpads (Minus the huge ones, I thought a 1.5 km runway was a bit excessive to FLY into space!):





Kerbal Attachment System:



































Nothke's DROMOMAN robotic arm:








Nothke's SerCom:



Rubber Band Industries Cat Tracks:





Remote Tech 2:










RollKage 1 & 2 (I didn't care for the colored cages, so I didn't put them in):















RollKage Generator








And finally, TAC self destruct!!!:


Edited by Vladthemad
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@Vladthemad: I've forwarded your alien reports to the relevant authority and they will be dealt with accordingly :)

Also, I think we should chuck something up on reddit and come up with a few different "semi official KMPModControl.txt mod packs" or something along those lines. It is listed in the "Here we can discuss" sidebar so I'll open a thread on it.

*Note, 0.1.6 (not will break KMPModControl but only slightly, it's relatively easy to fix up.

@Figglezworth: Something "working perfectly" in relation to KMP can only be good news. Glad to know.

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Could someone explain this to me please?

I understand I don't see my friends ships when they're near the KSC, and when we're not synced. And I do see them when we're in orbit and synced.

Is there a way to see my friends ships/EVA'd kerbals/etc on the ground/in atmosphere, when we're near the KSC?

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@Spider0804: Dekessler has always worked (It removes debris older then 30 minutes), but the client needs to go through a sync to see the changes (aka go for a quick flight / use one of your vessels and jump back to the tracking station to see). Normal ship terminating from the tracking station has been fixed in dev.

@Figglezworth: Type !bubble so see if you are still in the safety bubble. The new default is 2000 (2km), the lowest you will want to set it is 1700 - It just protects the end of the runway. You shouldn't need to be in sync to see each other (I think, I know future vessels are transparent though) - "synced" just means you are both playing in the same time.

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The only reason the new default is 2000 in and not 1700 is because 2000 is a nice round number :P

1700 is conpletely fine :) should be released soon. The release build on my build server is basically a release canditate (it got tagged), if nothing pops up that will be

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*Note, 0.1.6 (not will break KMPModControl but only slightly, it's relatively easy to fix up.

Yeah I saw that, that's why I figured I'd throw them in here...they will work for now, but it's only a temp requirement. I'm getting periodic lag spikes, about every five seconds. I'm currently troubleshooting periodic lag...hits nearly every 20 secs like clockwork. I don't think it's related to KMP...hopefully. Also I believe that Jeb returning to Kerbin after every startup of the game is KSP, not KMP. Now him vanishing at random on the other hand is KMP related ;)

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Do not know why but Kethane is saving its data even if the client deletes his start / persistence file but Scansat will not save data at all, as soon as the client leaves the map wipes.

I thought the data for these were saved in the clients persistance scenario block?

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Unfortunately, as far as ground vehicles are concerned, KMP v0.1.5.1 is still effectively unusable for even the most basic multiplayer gameplay.

As with my previous tests, the guidelines are simple:


  • Two KSP clients, running on the same machine, connected to a server over LAN (<1 ms latency).
  • The server is running a clean universe, default settings except safetyBubbleRadius is set to 1750. (in this case the server was running on a windows machine to avoid mac-specific sqlite3.dll server issues. Clients were still on mac, but that should be irrelevant to these issues)
  • Each client loads a simple 21 part rover - See craft files in the 'Downloads' section below.


  1. The rovers must correctly appear for the other client once they are outside of the bubble.
  2. The rovers must not randomly explode.
  3. The vehicle count on the server may not exceed 2 (not counting Kerbals or debris created from legitimate collisions).
  4. The movement of the other client's rover must appear reasonably smooth/synchronized.
  5. The rovers must be able to dock successfully with reasonable ease.

Video of Test: (


(note: client "
" (top-left) and "
" (bottom-right) are referred to below as "
client 1
" and "
client 2
" respectively)

This video demonstrates that v0.1.5.1 (Dev build 0ff9147) still fails each of the goals stated above:

  1. Each client had to disconnect from the server completely for the other client's vehicle to appear, even when outside of the bubble.
  2. There are plenty of random explosions. The debris resulting from these explosion on one client would frequently synchronize to the server, thus also appearing on the other client.
  3. By the end of the video below /listships returned 29 vehicles (not counting Kerbals) - See log file in the 'Downloads' section below.
  4. Movement is very jittery - It seems that velocity data is not taken into consideration to smooth out the movement of the other received vehicle data.
  5. The opening of the docking covers does not seem to be synchronized for a long time if at all, making docking impossible since each client saw the other client's rover as having its docking cover still closed.


For the sake of debugging, here are downloads relevant to the above video:


I would like to encourage the devs to attempt to recreate my test as demonstrated in the video above, and to prioritize fixing the fundamental issues shown (vehicle explosions, movement jerkyness, part states such as docking shields not syncing at all, etc) over new features like mod support, which I personally feel are much less critical for the mod to even be at all usable.

Lastly, here is a summary of all the obvious issues that I could see in the above video (some of which are probably already in the bug tracker):

  • 1:47 - With both rovers outside the bubble, neither client can see the other's rover
  • 2:10 - After switching to the tracking station, client 1 cannot see the rover of client 2 (I'm aware that this is a known issue on the bug tracker and not something that can be easily fixed)
  • 2:38 - After disconnecting, client 1 attempts to reconnect, but gets a sync timeout (this really shouldn't happen on a LAN)
  • 3:05 - After connecting successfully and switching to the tracking station, client 1 sees two instances of 'Rover_2', one controlled by client 2, the other not
  • 3:32 - Upon resuming control of Rover_1, client 1 sees Rover 2 'poof' as it is syncronized
  • 3:40 - Client 1 can now see client 2's rover (having disconnected and reconneted) but client 2 still cannot see Rover_1.
  • 4:00 - On client 1, Rover 2's seems to teleport to its new position every fraction of a second, in a weird 1-2, 1-2, 1-2 jitter, about every 300ms.
  • 4:42 - Client 2 disconnects and reconnects, and sees 3 instances of Rover_1 in the tracking station, one of which is controlled by client 1.
  • 5:16 - Client 1 disconnects and reconnects, and sees 1 instance each of Rover_1 and Rover_2 - It seems that multiple instances only show up in the tracking station when one is being controlled.
  • 5:34 - Upon resuming control of their respective rovers, client 2 sees Rover_1 explode a few seconds after resuming control of Rover_2.
  • 5:52 - Debris created from the explosion that was visible only to client 2 now begins to appear on client 1
  • 6:02 - On client 1, Rover 2 flickers between two positions for a few seconds before settling
  • 7:03 - Both clients having disconnected and reconnected, Client 2 once again sees Rover 1 Exploding - it seems that the second client to connect sees the explosions.
  • 7:27 - Client 2 opens the docking shields on Rover 2. This is not visible on Client 1.
  • 8:26 - Client 1 opens the docking shields on Rover 1. This is not visible on Client 2.
  • 8:35 - With their respective docking shields open for both clients, Client 2 attempts to dock to Rover 1. This fails since both clients still do not acknowledge that the other client's rover has their docking shield open.
  • 9:14 - Client 1 attempts to EVA. The kerbals movement as seen by client 2 is very jerky, and small movements are often not even registered, showing the kerbal spinning in on the same spot (see 9:38). Also many pieces of debris that are touched by the Kerbal *poof* out of existence.
  • 10:10 - Client 2 attempts to EVA. While still attached to Rover 2, client 1 does not even see the Kerbal, but instead repeatedly sees poofs of smoke.
  • 10:22 - As Client 2's Kerbal lets go of the ladder of Rover 2, client 1 sees Rover_2 break apart
  • 10:30 - The breaking of Rover_2 that occured on client 1 is now synchronized to client 2.
  • 10:38 - Client 1 finally sees Rover_2's docking shields as being open, about 3 minutes and 11 seconds after they were originally opened on Client 2.
  • 11:05 - Client 2 attempts to board Rover 1. However the message "Cannot board a full module" appears, despite the fact that Client 1 has EVA'd the kerbal from Rover 1, and the module should be empty.
  • 11:25 - Client 1 attempts to board Rover 2, but is unable to even see the text to grab the ladder. The same is true when Client 1 tries to grab the ladder on Rover 1.
  • 12:25 - It should be noted that at the end, Client 2 still could not see the docking shield of Rover 1 as being open.

Edited by JohannesMP
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@Vladthemad: The only thing lag related that I have changed (for 0.1.6 though, in my ntp-sync branch) is deleting the override for the FRAME_DT_LIMIT. It was set at 1f, which means the game won't slow down until it's running at 1fps. As this is a user setting and I can keep the clocks in sync better, I removed it (Not merged into dev yet).

The cause of the lag would be nice to figure out however.

@Spider0804: I haven't used scansat personally, but if it's in scenario blocks then it will be saved. did have a bug where the client would reload bad scenario data and resend it back to the server, this has been fixed in dev - but using a workaround (for the moment).

@JohannesMP: You make *much* better bug reports then I do :). I'll open an issue with a brief description and link to your post.

I can give you some answers however

1:47: That's definitely a bug.

2:10: That can only be fixed if a way is found to reload the tracking station list.

2:38: If you reconnect quickly enough, you will run into issue #568.

3:05: That's.... strange. It would have been nice to check if there really was 2 rovers in the servers /listships (this would mean there's a duping bug).

4:00: Vessel updates are sent every 333ms to be exact, nice spot. Actually, I've noticed the 333ms 1-2 1-2 1-2 jitter while docking too. There's more to this bug. As far as the velocity things go, That's one for gimp :).

4:42/5:16: I wasn't expecting them to disappear - So they aren't actually duplicated. It sounds like a vessel update is getting in before a player syncronizes - This might be another attempt at understanding the vessel code.

5:34: At least they don't insta-explode now, they fail in a very specific way. I have to link this. (sorry)

5:52: I'd expect the vessel debris to be loaded faster, maybe a bit of #555 (server processing lag) mixed in here.

6:02: I guess #555 could cause that too - But that seems like a bit of a logic / ordering error

7:15: Errr... That's a little too kraken-y for my liking. Speculation: Weird secondary updates sent to each other perhaps.

7:27/8:26: Opening the docking ports can take up to 45 seconds because that's when we send the full vessel again. Sounds like it could be improved by either using some type of "part modified" event or just simply checking the vessel to see if it changed (somehow).

9:14: Well it's an improvement from the early days:

. There was talk of using the kerbal AI to actually get the kerbal to walk, but kerbal AI is apparently isn't very smart - Plus do sit on those monstrosities we call "rockets" after all :).

10:10: Kerbals are dangerous smoking hazards :confused:. Err, I have a feeling the kerbal is being placed in the space where he should be, and not actually holding onto the ladder. This would cause badness.

11:05: Sounds like the full update hasn't come through yet, the vessel will still have the kerbal inside of it.

11:18: Ahh yep. Ladder bug confirmed.

This video is a really good and clear demonstration of some of the surface bugs. I'd eventually like to see everything listed under the gameplay section of the OP to work without a hitch: Then we really would be able to have drag races on Eve.

KMP does have its moments, but it's improving every day. I guess that's why it still has the [wip/alpha] tag. I would love to see a reaction video to this video (or any other "assorted weirdness" KMP video) from squad, because they want to include multiplayer into the base game. Gimp has taken up quite the challenge here :P

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